MicroPython v1.10-445-ga9b1d3ca3 on 2019-05-29; PYBD_SF2W with STM32F722IEK
MicroPython v1.12-351-gbd5633778 on 2020-04-08; PYBD-SF2W with STM32F722IEK
CAN communication stopped working. I have the older firmware on another pyboard and that works fine with the same pyboard<->transceiver<->CAN-bus setup.
Is there anyway to get the old firmware ( v1.10-445-ga9b1d3ca3 ) so I can try flashing the pyboard with that again and see if that works? I have tried cloning the github and checking out v1.1 but that version doesn't include the PYBD_SF2 directory inside ports/stm32.
I'm testing using the following code, which works on the v1.10 pyboard
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import pyb
from pyb import CAN
#f_clock=8000000, nom_brp=4, nom_tseg1=13, nom_tseg2=2, nom_sjw=1, nom_sam=0
pyb.freq(64000000, 64000000, 8000000, 32000000)
can = pyb.CAN(1)
can.init(mode=pyb.CAN.NORMAL, extframe=True, prescaler=4, sjw=1, bs1=13, bs2=2)
can.setfilter(0, CAN.MASK32, 0, (0, 0)) #allows all ID's
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Thank you.
Both version work in loopback mode.