"cross" branch - collections of helper scripts to cross-compile MicroPython

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"cross" branch - collections of helper scripts to cross-compile MicroPython

Post by pfalcon » Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:58 pm

One of the reasons I'm working on MicroPython is because I'd like to have a small but powerful tool which can work on *any* computer system, and I think that MicroPython is the best realization of such tool. Unfortunately, while working on helping to make sure that MicroPython is actually the best, I had much less progress on actually running-everywhere front than I'd hope. But some progress I had, but for a long time it sit in my personal branch, less easier for folks to find.

Now, it's part of the main repository, in "cross" branch: https://github.com/micropython/micropyt ... mits/cross . Some documentation is provided in wiki: https://github.com/micropython/micropyt ... rossBranch .

Note that it doesn't that much - just few build scripts. And it's definitely targetted at fellow developers, not end users. But it's not just few build scripts - there're also test scripts, to make sure that MicroPython compiles for some non-mainstream platform (which is easy), but also works there correctly (or it may give you a lot of frustration otherwise).

And of course, it's just a good start. Interested in running MicroPython on your router, phone, refrigerator or just some old hardware which effectively became electronic waste? MicroPython can liven it up. And that branch shows you first steps towards that.
Awesome MicroPython list
Pycopy - A better MicroPython https://github.com/pfalcon/micropython
MicroPython standard library for all ports and forks - https://github.com/pfalcon/micropython-lib
More up to date docs - http://pycopy.readthedocs.io/

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