Yeah, the fun part is also important. I agree. What I meant with better in this context is, a) better for MicroPython and b) easier for the developer to even get more out of a tiny device (assuming the end goal is to get the maximum out of such tiny device).
I definitely agree. MicroPython seems to have it all. The only thing is, what is the vision? The vision largely determines the priorities. And that is my main point of concern. Since the prioritising process seems to be dominated by the 'minimal dogma'. That is fun for some, but it imposes many restrictions to many others.
Totally agree. Hard to please everyone. Without focus everything is doomed. Having the focus slightly off ('my tiny device must run Python') also makes things overly difficult or restrictive. The market is evolving. MCu's are getting more powerfull. Boards are introduced (PYBD). Time for a small shift in focus?
By simply stating the intended target audiences, a new up-to-date focus would be more or less defined.