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Re: update data to thingspeak

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:08 am
by alexmerchant
Hi, I know you posted this topic a really long time ago but if you ever see this message, I would really appreciate you helping me. I am currently trying to do the same thing, sending/posting datas to ThingSpeak from a Pycom device using WiFi or any connection I can. However, I am facing many issues and have no idea how to make this works. I just read you managed to do it, could you please help me out with it ?

Re: update data to thingspeak

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:06 am
by jgmdavies
Hi Alex,

I'm not active in this area right now, but I can pass you the Python 3.4 source as it was (below), and hope it's of some use. Use it any way you like, including in commercial products!

Multiple health warnings - the libraries I used may well have changed, etc.

I see it uses my '', also included below, but I'd recommend that you don't use that initially, for simplicity - perhaps your data is integer-only anyway?

Best wishes,

Code: Select all


import os
import urequests
import time
import gc
import array

from WiPyFloat import Float

thingspeak_apikey = "YOUR_WRITE_KEY"
thingspeak_apikey_channel_126 = "YOUR_WRITE_API_KEY"		# Write API key for channel 126
thingspeak_url = ""
thingspeak_channel = 126
thingspeak_field = 1

def get_temp(city):
	print("get_temp: " + city)
	print("mem_free = {}".format(gc.mem_free()))
	temp = 1234

		url = "" + city

		resp = urequests.get(url)

		if (resp.status_code != 200):
			print("Bad response from GET to: " + url + ", status code " + str(resp.status_code) + " (" + resp.reason + ")")
			return None

		content = resp.text

		index = content.find("Temp: ")
		if (index < 0):
			print("No temperature found in response from: " + url)
			return None

		index += 6
		index2 = content.find(" ", index)
		if (index < 0):
			print("No temperature found in response from: " + url)
			return None

		s = content[index:index2]

		temp = Float(s)
	except Exception as e: 
		print("get_temperature: Failed to get temperature: " + url)
		return None

	return temp

def retrieve(chan):
	import ujson
	url = ""

	s = '{"channel":{"id":126,"name":"Channel 126","description":"Public Channel 1 for Jim Davies.","latitude":"0.0","longitude":"0.0","field1":"Temperature","field2":"Humidity","created_at":"2011-02-21T19:28:15Z","updated_at":"2016-09-05T13:36:58Z","last_entry_id":1096},"feeds":[{"created_at":"2016-09-05T13:26:23Z","entry_id":1095,"field1":null,"field2":"50"},{"created_at":"2016-09-05T13:36:58Z","entry_id":1096,"field1":"70","field2":null}]}'
	return ujson.loads(s)
def update(chan, field_num, value):
	# Update a ThingSpeak channel feed.
		url = ""
		urlencoded = b"api_key=YOUR_WRITE_API_KEY&field" + str(field_num) + "=" + str(value)
		headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}

		resp =, data=urlencoded, headers=headers)

		if (resp.status_code == 200):
			print("Response from POST to: " + url + ", status code " + str(resp.status_code))
			print("Bad response from POST to: " + url + ", status code " + str(resp.status_code) + " (" + resp.reason.decode() + ")")
			return False

	except Exception as e: 
		print("update: Failed to update channel: " + url)
		return False

	return True

def test1():
	error_count = 0

	while True:
		temp = get_temp("brighton")

		if temp:
			print("Temp: ", temp)
			ok = update(thingspeak_channel, thingspeak_field, temp.str())
			ok = False

		if ok:
			error_count = 0
			error_count += 1
			if (error_count >= 4):
				print("Too many consecutive errors")


	return True

Code: Select all

# Last modified: 27 Aug 2016

# J.G.Davies, Jacobus Systems Ltd., Brighton & Hove, UK.
# This code is hereby released as Public Domain.  I would appreciate an acknowledgement if you find it useful.

class Float():

    mantissa = 0
    exponent = 0

    def __init__(self, f=None):
        if f:
            if (type(f).__name__ == "Float"):
                self.mantissa = f.mantissa
                self.exponent = f.exponent
            elif (type(f).__name__ == "int"):
                self.mantissa = int(f)
                self.exponent = 0
            elif (type(f).__name__ == "str"):



    # Operator overloads.

    def __abs__(self):
        result = Float(self)
        result.mantissa = abs(result.mantissa)
        return result

    def __add__(self, other):
        return Float.add(self, other)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.mantissa == other.mantissa) and (self.exponent == other.exponent)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return Float.multiply(self, other)

    def __neg__(self):
        result = Float(self)
        result.mantissa = -result.mantissa
        return result

    def __pos__(self):
        return Float(self)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.str()

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return Float.subtract(self, other)

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        return Float.divide(self, other)

    # Static methods.

    def add(f1, f2):
        # Return a new Float holding (f1 + f2).
        result = Float(f1)
        return result

    def divide(f1, f2):
        # Return a new Float holding (f1 / f2).
        result = Float(f1)
        return result

    def multiply(f1, f2):
        # Return a new Float holding (f1 * f2).
        result = Float(f1)
        return result

    def subtract(f1, f2):
        # Return a new Float holding (f1 - f2).
        result = Float(f1)
        return result

    # Methods.
    def add_float(self, f, add=True):
        # Add Float 'f' to this Float.

        # Align the exponents.
        self_mantissa = self.mantissa
        self_exponent = self.exponent
        f_mantissa = f.mantissa
        f_exponent = f.exponent

        if (f_exponent < self_exponent):
            shift = self_exponent - f_exponent
            self_mantissa *= 10 ** shift
            self_exponent -= shift
        elif (f_exponent > self_exponent):
            shift = f_exponent - self_exponent
            f_mantissa *= 10 ** shift
            f_exponent -= shift

        if add:
            self.mantissa = self_mantissa + f_mantissa
            self.mantissa = self_mantissa - f_mantissa

        self.exponent = self_exponent

        return self

    def debug(self):
        s = "Float: {0}, {1}".format(self.mantissa, self.exponent)
        return s

    def divide_float(self, f):
        # Divide this Float by 'f'.
        self.mantissa *= 100000000
        self.exponent -= 8

        self.mantissa //= f.mantissa
        self.exponent -= f.exponent

        return self

    def int(self):
        result = 0
        return result

    def load(self, s):
        s = s.strip().lower()
        pos = True

        if (s[0] == "+"):
            s = s[1:]
        elif (s[0] == "-"):
            s = s[1:]
            pos = False

        if "e" in s:
            return self.load_scientific(s, pos)

        if "." in s:
            whole, decimal = s.split(".")

            if not decimal:
                # There is no decimal part.
                # TODO: if 'whole' ends in zeros, could scale the number and set self.exponent.
                # This would help keep 'mantissa' a simple 31-bit int on the WiPy.
                self.mantissa = int(whole)
                if not pos: self.mantissa = -self.mantissa
                self.exponent = 0
                return True

            # There is a decimal part.
            if whole and (int(whole) == 0):
                whole = None

            if not whole:
                # There is no whole part.
                value, nleading = self.parse_decimal(decimal)
                if value:
                    self.mantissa = int(value)
                    if not pos: self.mantissa = -self.mantissa
                    self.exponent = -nleading - len(value)
                    self.mantissa = 0
                    self.exponent = 0
                return True

            # There is a whole part and a decimal part.
            whole = whole.lstrip("0")
            decimal = decimal.rstrip('0')
            self.mantissa = int(whole + decimal)
            if not pos: self.mantissa = -self.mantissa
            self.exponent = -len(str(decimal))
            # TODO: if 'whole' ends in zeros, could scale the number and set self.exponent.
            # This would help keep 'mantissa' a simple 31-bit int on the WiPy.
            self.mantissa = int(s)
            if not pos: self.mantissa = -self.mantissa
            self.exponent = 0

        return True

    def multiply_float(self, f):
        # Multiply this Float by 'f'.
        self.mantissa *= f.mantissa
        self.exponent += f.exponent
        return self

    def normalise(self):
        # Normalise where possible.
        if (self.mantissa != 0):
            s = str(self.mantissa)
            stripped = s.rstrip("0")
            diff = len(s) - len(stripped)

            if (diff > 0):
                self.mantissa = int(stripped)
                self.exponent += diff

        return True

    def str(self, format="F"):
        if ("E" in format):
            return self.str_scientific()

        # Use format "F".
        pos = (self.mantissa >= 0)
        result = str(abs(self.mantissa))

        if (self.exponent > 0):
            result += "0" * self.exponent
        elif (self.exponent < 0):
            if (-self.exponent < len(result)):
                cut = len(result) + self.exponent
                result = result[:cut] + "." + result[cut:]
                n_zeros = -self.exponent - len(result)
                result = "0." + ("0" * n_zeros) + result

        if not pos: result = "-" + result

        return result

    def subtract_float(self, f):
        # Subtract Float 'f' from this Float.
        return self.add_float(f, False)

    # Helper methods.

    def load_scientific(self, s, pos):
        mant, exp = s.split("e")
        self.exponent += int(exp)

        return False

    def parse_decimal(self, s):
        nleading = 0

        for c in s:
            if (c != "0"): break
            nleading += 1

        if (nleading == 0):
            value = s
            value = s[nleading:]

        return value, nleading

    def str_scientific(self):
        pos = (self.mantissa >= 0)
        result = str(abs(self.mantissa))
        len_mantissa = len(result)

        if (len(result) > 1):
            result = result[:1] + "." + result[1:]
            result = result.rstrip("0")
            result = result.rstrip(".")

        result += "e" + str(self.exponent + len_mantissa - 1)

        if not pos: result = "-" + result

        return result

if (__name__ == "__main__" ):
    import Float_tests