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WiPy Multi-threading

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:57 pm
by atinypuppy
I'm attempting to multi-thread data collection to get a better bandwidth. I am using the Timer micropython class. This code takes one data point into my array but doesn't loop like I wanted. Am I missing some piece of code? Does the way I setup my timer make sense?

[def _addData_():
global adcPin
global dataArray
global curPos, numPnts, countDown
dataArray[curPos] = adcPin()
curPos += 1
curPos %= numPnts #resets curPos
countDown -= 1

if countDown <1:
timChannel.irq(handler=None, trigger = Timer.TIMEOUT)

global tim
global timChannel
tim = Timer(0, mode = Timer.PERIODIC, width = 32)
timChannel = | Timer.B, freq = freq)
timChannel.irq(handler = _addData_(), trigger = Timer.TIMEOUT)