[NUCLEO-L4R5ZI] is there a roadmap for porting nucleo L4+ family

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[NUCLEO-L4R5ZI] is there a roadmap for porting nucleo L4+ family

Post by BZino » Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:09 pm

I have recently been using micropython on STM32L496G-DISCO and I want to be able to use it on STM32L4R5ZI

What I have found
Micropython related:
STM32L4R5ZI not being ported yet : https://github.com/micropython/micropyt ... -820153072
And the topic has previously been talked about in a previous thread : viewtopic.php?f=12&t=8974

CircuitPython related:
The port seems more and more active on circuit python side : https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/issues/4998
boosted by the fact that TinyUSB has a support for this board : https://github.com/hathach/tinyusb/tree ... l4r5nucleo

I have found this repo, that seems to have a port of the STM32L4R9 : https://github.com/dhkhoi/lv_micropytho ... m32/boards

What I have made:
I have managed to take few elements from dhkhoi's repo (modify files while having a look at the user manual, add the defined(STM32L4R5xx) in few places, and imported libraries from st repo )
I have managed to make BOARD=nucleo_stm32l4r5zi but the code does not seem to work (no REPL, and i have been trying on board's LPUART and UART2)

My questions:
- is there a roadmap for porting nucleo L4+ family?
- What would be the precise steps for doing the port?
- Why is it relevent that tinyusb has a support for this board ?
- Are LPUART supported by micropython ?
- I have followed the tutorial for making a build with zephyr, the make was successful but still no REPL, is the fact that ZEPHYR supports STM32L4R5 enough for micropython to run on top of Zephyr as an application ?

Thank you

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