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[MIMXRT/Teensy MicroMod] - Add support for Teensy MicroMod

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:35 pm
by KurtE
Recently a few of us started playing around with Micropython and CircuitPython on the different Teensy boards: T4 and T4.1.

Started off with questions up on PJRC forum about supporting them when plugged into the USBHost port...

While playing with them, wondered about Supporting the Sparkfun Teensy Micromod, so we went through and did the work and it is now added to CircuitPython.

So decided to now try to add it to MicroPython. Besides doing this gives me an excuse to better learn Python :D

So I now have a fork/branch up at: ... python_dev

(I know this is my CircuitPython Fork, but as I found out in other thread, you can only have one fork of a Tree of projects that have same common ancestor and CircuitPython is fork of MicroPython)...

So I went through and made copy of stuff between T4 and T4.1 stuff, updated to pins information, updates size of flash... Hopefully I updated the other files to properly point to the sparkfun web page for it, plus I think the name of the image on that page...

I ran the uncrustify stuff, found a trailing blank which I removed.