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[nfr52] battery level

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:47 pm
by msam
Hi all,
Any nordic developer ?
I am trying the following code on nrf52 module:

MicroPython v1.9.4-378-gab81578-dirty on 2018-08-17; PCA10040 with NRF52832
Type "help()" for more information.
>> import machine
>>> machine.ADC.battery_level()
Then I installed the code below.
I can connect to nrf52 module using Nordic nRF Connect but I am reading battery level value 28%.
Any tips ?
from ubluepy import Service, Characteristic, UUID, Peripheral, constants
from machine import ADC

def event_handler(id, handle, data):
global periph
global serv_batt

if id == constants.EVT_GAP_CONNECTED:
elif id == constants.EVT_GAP_DISCONNECTED:
periph.advertise(device_name="micr_batt", services=[serv_batt])
elif id == constants.EVT_GATTS_READ:
data[0]= ADC.battery_level()

def start():
global periph
global serv_batt

uuid_batt_service = UUID("0x180F")
uuid_batt_chr = UUID("0x2A19")
serv_batt = Service(uuid_batt_service)
bat_props = Characteristic.PROP_NOTIFY | Characteristic.PROP_READ
bat_attrs = Characteristic.ATTR_CCCD
bat_chr = Characteristic(uuid_batt_chr, props = bat_props, attrs = bat_attrs)

periph = Peripheral()
periph.advertise(device_name="micr_batt", services=[serv_batt])

Re: [nfr52] battery level

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:14 pm
by c45713
I took a look at this. I also get very strange results on the nrf52 when BLE is enabled. My value is reported to be 0x30 = 48% on coincell using the pca10040.

I used the following code for testing:

Code: Select all

from machine import RTCounter, ADC
from ubluepy import Service, Characteristic, UUID, Peripheral, constants
import machine

def event_handler(id, handle, data):
    global rtc
    global periph
    global batt_notif_enabled
    global char_batt
    global serv_battery

    if id == constants.EVT_GAP_CONNECTED:

    elif id == constants.EVT_GAP_DISCONNECTED:
        # stop low power timer
        temp_notif_enabled = False
        rain_notif_enabled = False
        # restart advertisment
        periph.advertise(device_name="micr_batt", services=[serv_battery])
    elif id == constants.EVT_GATTS_WRITE:
        # a write to handle 17 is the battery characteristic CCCD in this sample.
        if handle == 17:
            if int(data[0]) == 1:
                batt_notif_enabled = True
                batt_notif_enabled = False
def rtc_handler(timer_id):
    global batt_notif_enabled
    global char_batt

    if batt_notif_enabled:
        level = ADC.battery_level()

batt_notif_enabled = False

# use RTC1 as RTC0 is used by bluetooth stack 
# set up RTC callback every 5 second
rtc = RTCounter(1, period=50, mode=RTCounter.PERIODIC, callback=rtc_handler)

uuid_battery = UUID("0x180F") # Battery service
uuid_battery_level = UUID("0x2A19") # Battery level characteristic

serv_battery = Service(uuid_battery)

battery_props = Characteristic.PROP_NOTIFY | Characteristic.PROP_READ
battery_attrs = Characteristic.ATTR_CCCD
char_batt = Characteristic(uuid_battery, props = battery_props, attrs = battery_attrs)


periph = Peripheral()
periph.advertise(device_name="micr_batt", services=[serv_battery])

while True:
I suspect there might be something wrong in the algorithm of battery_level(), as it is subtracting diode drop, which might not be the case on coin-cell. I'll see if i can help out by checking out the ADC driver for this.

Re: [nfr52] [solved] battery level

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:29 pm
by msam
Hi c45713,
My code has several errors.Thanks for help.You find the problem:
I need to read battery level and write as bytearray
Your code:
level = ADC.battery_level()

Just one typo on your code:
char_batt = Characteristic(uuid_battery, props = battery_props, attrs = battery_attrs)
Should be:
char_batt = Characteristic(uuid_battery_level, props = battery_props, attrs = battery_attrs)

Best regards,