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Re: Receive and transmit IR remote codes

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 8:21 pm
Hello Peter!

I tried to use your library but ran into this error:

Do you have any idea how to solve it?

Thank you in advance

Re: Receive and transmit IR remote codes

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:32 am
by pythoncoder
I don't use Thonny so it's hard to be sure but I think it's a directory problem. When you issue

Code: Select all

from ir_rx.test import test
the assumption is that your current directory is above the ir_rx directory - i.e. your current directory contains ir_rx.

Re: Receive and transmit IR remote codes

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:29 am
I moved to Pycharm and now ran into such a problem:
Do you have any idea why this might not work?

Re: Receive and transmit IR remote codes

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:43 am
by kevinkk525
Do you have the micropython plugin installed and active?

I don't have access to my pycharm at the moment but if I remember correctly, the utime module doesn't work correctly for me either.
But this message can be safely ignored anyways.

Re: Receive and transmit IR remote codes

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 12:02 am
by mrggg
Hi Peter,

I downloaded your code a few days ago. I have successfully used your code with a Pico to receive from a Sony remote using ir_rx.test , and to transmit using ir_tx.test to my Sony TV. I found that any of the Sony modes will work. However, I can only get the tx to work with the ir_tx.test code. I am using Thonny to run the code. When I use my own code, nothing happens :

from import SONY_12
from machine import Pin

# Basic usage on Pico: ( pasted from )
# from machine import Pin
# from import NEC
# nec = NEC(Pin(17, Pin.OUT, value = 0))
# nec.transmit(1, 2) # address == 1, data == 2

sony = SONY_12( Pin(17, Pin.OUT, value = 0) )
addr = 0x1 # TV address
data = 0x15 # power code, toggles TV power
sony.transmit(addr, data)

I expect my TV to turn off, but nothing happens. If I use the ir_tx.test in test(1) ( or 2 or 3 ) mode , it works as expected. I also tried a few other remote button codes and they worked fine.

Another strange thing I noticed is that, if I turn on the "timeit" feature in your tx_it.test code ( irb.timeit=True ), it reports the timing but there does not seem to be any IR transmission, or it is invalid, as nothing happens.

Thank you very much for any help.

Re: Receive and transmit IR remote codes

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 12:33 pm
by pythoncoder
Your code works fine here: with an oscilloscope on pin 17 I can see a sequence of carrier bursts each time I transmit.

Re: Receive and transmit IR remote codes

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 3:26 pm
by mrggg
Thanks much for the fast reply. I don't have a 'scope, but I used my volt meter to look at the GPIO and I see no change when executing this loop :

from import SONY_12
from machine import Pin
sony = SONY_12( Pin(17, Pin.OUT, value = 0) )
while True
sony.transmit(0x1, 0x15)

I would expect the average voltage to be a little less than 0.5 * 3.3 V = 1.65V, assuming carrier ( 50 % duty factor ) bursts, but I get zero, so it seems like mine is not working. I am using Thonny to execute this, but I do the same when using your code. I also tried putting this in and resetting the Pico to eliminate Thonny, but I get the same behavior.

I am not well versed in writing classes, so the inheritance is a bit difficult for me to follow, but I can't see any reason why the transmission would depend on the button press code. I hacked the "main" in to eliminate almost everything but the button press call, and it still works fine, as expected. I just use a wire to tie pin 18 to ground, and my TV turns off instantly.

async def main():
pin = Pin(17, Pin.OUT, value = 0)
irb = SONY_12(pin)
px3 =Pin(18, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
b = []
b.append(Rbutton(irb, px3, 0x1, 0x15, 1))
while True:
await asyncio.sleep_ms(500)

I wonder why I would need the button press call , but you don't ? Any ideas of other things to try?

Re: Receive and transmit IR remote codes

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 4:24 pm
by mrggg
I tried the voltmeter while running the hacked, so while I have PIO 18 tied to ground I get my TV turning off and on. I see an average of about 0.25V on PIO 17, whereas I get 0.0V with my looping transmit code. Apparently the repeating codes in the button loop have a ~ 8% overall duty factor.

Re: Receive and transmit IR remote codes

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 4:55 pm
by pythoncoder
You need a delay in this loop: bear in mind you're emulating a physical remote with a user periodically pushing a button. The transmit method returns immediately with actual transmission occurring as a background process, so you need to be sure it's finished before starting a new transmission.

If you're writing synchronous code, use time.sleep():

Code: Select all

while True:
    sony.transmit(0x1, 0x15)
In asynchronous code you'd use await asyncio.sleep(1) in a coroutine defined with async def.

Re: Receive and transmit IR remote codes

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 6:05 pm
by mrggg
With more careful measurements I can indeed see that a burst is being sent with my code, but apparently the data is wrong. Sorry, but I am still having trouble understanding how the addr and data are being passed to the transmit method :) .

In, I noticed that the closed button function "cfunc" calls the transmit() method, but also has this line:


Could that be the problem? I tried some ideas to add that to my code, but it seemed to have no effect.

I was also wondering, you said you see a data burst using my code with a 'scope, but are you sure the data is correct? Can you control something with the IR as expected? It acts as if some modification needs to be made to the addr/data before passing it to transmit() . But, I don't see any code that would modify those.