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Ferroelectric RAM driver

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:48 pm
by pythoncoder
A simple driver for the Adafruit 32KB FRAM module FRAM is a nonvolatile RAM having low power consumption and extremely long endurance (10^13 writes compared to 10,000 for the Pyboard's Flash memory). It is inherently byte addressable for read and write; consequently writing can be faster than Flash devices which require slow sector erase operations to enable a sector to be rewritten. FRAM has application in data logging and to preserve state after power down or between calls to pyb.standby().

The driver supports from 1 to 8 devices, configuring them as a single memory block. The block may be addressed as an array of bytes or can be mounted as a disk in the Pyboard filesystem.

Re: Ferroelectric RAM driver

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:19 pm
by pythoncoder
Updated today with two changes:
  • The constructor now takes an initialised I2C object to facilitate bus sharing.
  • Adapted to work on Pyboard or ESP8266.
Perhaps someone will find a use for it on the ESP to host a small, frequently updated, nonvolatile btree database.