Ulab (Numpy MicroPython) installation help

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Ulab (Numpy MicroPython) installation help

Post by Corikk » Thu Dec 30, 2021 2:11 am

Hey all,

I’m a bit what some may call “incompetent” at downloading programs, and I’ve been struggling to download ulab for my Pico. I followed the instructions on the github (https://github.com/v923z/micropython-ulab) but am at an impasse. I downloaded the rp2.sh file, downloaded the Git program to Bash, then clicked on the .sh program. Both MicroPython and ulab downloaded as folders to the PC. I’ve spent maybe 1.5 hours trying to figure out what to do next. Could someone please help me out in the next steps? I’m totally at a loss. Thank you so much.

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Re: Ulab (Numpy MicroPython) installation help

Post by Corikk » Tue Jan 04, 2022 2:43 am

Okay. So I'm still working on it but I have progress (I think). I used [1] to help me download the necessary program to use "make" and [2] to help me resolve an issue with cmake (which I also had to download). Additionally, [3] has been extremely helpful alongside the ulab github to get me where I am.

After running the rp2.sh file from the github (which got the ulab and micropython folders), I ran the following lines in the command prompt as an admin:

Code: Select all

make clean
set PATH=C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\;%PATH%
cd C:\Users\colli\Documents\micropython\ports\rp2
make USER_C_MODULES=/path/to/ulab/code/micropython.cmake
Which produced a new folder "build-PICO" within rp2, that leads to: C:\Users\colli\Documents\micropython\ports\rp2\build-PICO\CMakeFiles\3.22.1\VCTargetsPath.vcxproj, as well as a "cmake.check_cache" file that I don't think is relevant but thought I'd mention it just in case. There was also a "CMakeCache.txt" file and I can share those contents if they are important.

I think (but not sure) that something went wrong given an error message (attached, [4]). I think I'm close!

[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/321 ... in-windows
[2] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/191 ... al-command
[3] https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/ ... dules.html
[4] https://ibb.co/16R0jkR

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