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TF - an embedded file manager & library

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:46 pm
by patbeirne
I just want to let you all know about a new file manager I wrote which lives in the target itself. You can use TF (Text File manager) to copy, search and edit files from the REPL/WebREPL command line. You don't need to move files back & forth between your desktop and the target, and if you're searching a megabyte log file, this can be a lot quicker.

TF includes a simple command line interface which is similar to the Linux or DOS/PowerShell prompt. You can cp or mv files, you can cat them or less them, and you can run a dir or a grep.

You can find it at

Here's a sample session:

Code: Select all

>>> import tf
simple shell: cp/copy mv/move rm/del cat/list cd dir/ls mkdir rmdir grep sed help
/$ cp mail.log m.log.bak
/$ dir
-rwx all       230
-rwx all      2886 m.log.bak
-rwx all      2886 mail.log
-rwx all      2401
-rwx all      2259
-rwx all     99182 mqtt.log
-rwx all      6949
-rwx all        15
disk size:     392 KB   disk free: 196 KB

/$ cat -n -l 1000-1005 mqtt.log
1000 1616120701: Client mosq-d911rjWHX3Rdwcntoo disconnected.
1001 1616124181: New connection from on port 1883.
1002 1616124181: New client connected from as mosq-kwcmiGmZ7jlEVRecrU (c1, k60).
1003 1616124181: Client mosq-kwcmiGmZ7jlEVRecrU disconnected.
1004 1616126374: Socket error on client DVES_98843E, disconnecting.
1005 1616126425: Client DVES_83244E has exceeded timeout, disconnecting.

/$ grep 24.114.80.\d+ mqtt.log
977 1616120273: New connection from on port 1883.
980 1616120273: New client connected from as Rutherford1616120233590 (c1, k60, u'patb').
1046 1616142039: New connection from on port 1883.
1049 1616142039: New client connected from as Rutherford1616120233590 (c1, k60, u'patb').

There is also a sed command, which allows you to edit files inline. It's not an interactive editor, but it's handing for changing a constant or two in your .py code.

This project is 100% upython code, and lives in two files: and The module is written such that you can extract just the file_copy, file_grep and file_sed functions if that's all you need.

It's still early days in this project, so I'm open to suggestions:
  • other command line options or changes in syntax
  • would it be useful to pipe grep output to a file?
  • scripts?
Right now this module works fine with a serial terminal through USB to REPL, or through the websock webclient at; but it doesn't work so well with the command line client written by aivarannamaa.....yet. You still need to use or the websock-webclient to transfer the files into the target; this library doesn't do any of that.

I find this module handy for visualizing the contents of the flash file system, cleaning up unused files and making backups of versions before trying changes.

If you do get as far as checking this out, scroll to the bottom of the README and look for 'extensions' where I put in some fun extra tools.

Re: TF - an embedded file manager & library

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:50 pm
by russ_h
Very cool.