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Using thonny with the Unix port

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 7:44 pm
by Minyiky
Hi all,

I am planning to be able to do some code development away from hardware and trying so have installed both thonny and the unix port of micrypython installed on WSL, and both work independently. I am able to open up and run thonny, and I am able to use micrpython on the command line.

The issue I'm running into is trying to use them together. I am able to choose between different python interpreters, but the micropython intermpreter is not showing up as a an option. When trying to select the intepreter manually I can see that the normal python interpreters are listed as programs, while the micropython one is listed as a shared library.

Are there any addidional steps needed beyond those listed in the github readme?

Thanks in advance

Re: Using thonny with the Unix port

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:02 pm
by aivarannamaa
When you open "Run => Select interpreter", do you see "MicroPython (local)" in the dropdown?