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Announcing uOTA and certificate pinning libraries

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 8:30 pm
by mkomon
I've written two supporting libraries for my project that I can share with the world.

uOTA - OTA for MicroPython applications
Github repo:
Perform OTA update of your code by downloading a .tar.gz file and unpacking it into the filesystem. New firmware is downloaded from any HTTP/HTTPS server, allowing you keep full control over your infrastructure, updates within your private network etc, without depending on Github.

ucertpin - Certificate Pinning for MicroPython
Github repo:
Implement certificate pinning on TLS/SSL connections when using MicroPython's urequests by comparing the SHA256 hash of server's private key against a defined value.

Both are reasonably well tested using MicroPython 1.17 on ESP32 (both WROOM or WROVER) but I will be doing some more testing and fixing in the next few days. Any feedback, particularly about the API and documentation, is appreciated.