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A Micro HTTP Web Server and language templating for MicroPython

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:48 am
by jczic
Just if you want a Micro HTTP Web Server and language templating for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules) :

Re: A Micro HTTP Web Server and language templating for MicroPython

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:30 pm
by loboris
Thanks for the information.
I have included it with minor modifications into my MicroPython port as a frozen module and it works very well.
Are you planning to implement WebSockets protocol and posted multipart data mentioned in "issues" ?

Re: A Micro HTTP Web Server and language templating for MicroPython

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:39 pm
by rdagger
jczic wrote:Hello,
Just if you want a Micro HTTP Web Server and language templating for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules) :
Your library looks great! Is it compatible with an ESP32? Have you tried implementing websockets?

Re: A Micro HTTP Web Server and language templating for MicroPython

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:48 am
by OutoftheBOTS_

I am trying to get websockets to work on my ESP32 using your library.

I have tried all your examples and they work fine on the firmware I am using (laboris port)

This is the code that I tried to start the webserver and send websocket messages, I also have a htlm file in the flash/www/ directory that is for receiving the websockets message and display it on the screen.

I get the following error
AttributeError: 'MicroWebSrv' object has no attribute 'SendText'
with this code

Code: Select all

from microWebSrv import MicroWebSrv
import time

def _acceptWebSocketCallback(webSocket, httpClient) :
  print("WS ACCEPT")
  webSocket.RecvTextCallback   = _recvTextCallback
  webSocket.RecvBinaryCallback = _recvBinaryCallback
  webSocket.ClosedCallback     = _closedCallback

def _recvTextCallback(webSocket, msg) :
  print("WS RECV TEXT : %s" % msg)
  webSocket.SendText("Reply for %s" % msg)

def _recvBinaryCallback(webSocket, data) :
  print("WS RECV DATA : %s" % data)

def _closedCallback(webSocket) :
  print("WS CLOSED")

mws = MicroWebSrv()                                    # TCP port 80 and files in /flash/www
mws.MaxWebSocketRecvLen     = 256                      # Default is set to 1024
mws.WebSocketThreaded       = False                    # WebSockets without new threads
mws.AcceptWebSocketCallback = _acceptWebSocketCallback# Function to receive WebSockets

while True:

Re: A Micro HTTP Web Server and language templating for MicroPython

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:27 am
by OutoftheBOTS_
Ok I found the wstest.html and am playing with it now and it works.

I think that I maybe better understanding how it work. The server can only send a message in response the the client sending a message first???

I want to graph live data from my robot and new data will be available from a timer event on the ESP32 every 100ms so I assume then I have to have java script client side that sends a message every 100ms for the esp32 to respond with new data to???


ok I seem to have worked it out by using setInterval(myFunction, 100); and am now successfully sending the needed data every 100ms.

Now to find some open source javascript for plotting the data :)

Re: A Micro HTTP Web Server and language templating for MicroPython

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:45 pm
by OutoftheBOTS_
Ok I am getting further but need a little advice.

So I think it works like this. The client needs to establish the websocket but once this is done the the client doesn't need to request a message the server can push out messages.

For the server to push out the message it needs a pointer to the websocket. The only way that I seem to be able to get a pointer to the websocket is have the client send a message first then make a global variable point to the websocket.

Once the client executes this javascript websocket = new WebSocket(wsUri); the webscoket is made, is there a way at the server side to detect this and get a pointer to it??

here is the round about way I made it work but it far from pretty coding

Code: Select all

from microWebSrv import MicroWebSrv
import utime

wsflag = False

def _acceptWebSocketCallback(webSocket, httpClient) :
  print("WS ACCEPT")
  webSocket.RecvTextCallback   = _recvTextCallback
  webSocket.RecvBinaryCallback = _recvBinaryCallback
  webSocket.ClosedCallback     = _closedCallback

def _recvTextCallback(webSocket, msg) :
  print("WS RECV TEXT : %s" % msg)
  webSocket.SendText("Reply for %s" % msg+ str(t))
  global wsflag
  global ws
  ws = webSocket
  wsflag = True

def _recvBinaryCallback(webSocket, data) :
  print("WS RECV DATA : %s" % data)

def _closedCallback(webSocket) :
  print("WS CLOSED")

mws = MicroWebSrv()                                    # TCP port 80 and files in /flash/www
mws.MaxWebSocketRecvLen     = 256                      # Default is set to 1024
mws.WebSocketThreaded       = False                    # WebSockets without new threads
mws.AcceptWebSocketCallback = _acceptWebSocketCallback# Function to receive WebSockets

while not wsflag : pass 

while True:
  if  not ws.IsClosed() : ws.SendText(str(t))