SFTP for remote sdcard access

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SFTP for remote sdcard access

Post by con3 » Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:11 pm

Hello everyone,

I'm new here but here goes:

So I have successfully completed the ftp I wanted to implement.

Basically I have an sdcard hooked up in 4 wire mode and im using ftp with filezilla to edit the directory remotely(although still on my local network): https://imgur.com/a/iM7PD#W9EWXUE

Here's where it gets interesting. I plan on having this placed in a remote place that won't be on my local network. To be safe, I want to use SFTP to achieve a secure connection and transfer.

I just can't seem to find a way to do it. libcurl has it, but its port on micropython doesn't. I looked at SSH, but it doesn't seem to allow remote SSH access to the esp32 but rather from it to a server.

Is there anyway for me to get this going?

Any help would really be appreciated!

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Re: SFTP for remote sdcard access

Post by shawwwn » Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:40 am

SFTP is not a continuation of FTP. It relies on SSH protocol which can be fairly complicated.
Therefore, it's (probably) not practical to implement such protocol in Python.

If you just want basic encryption, I would recommend reaching out for FTPS. The whole thing can be built upon your existing FTP implementation. In fact, it just a FTP wrap inside a SSL context. What's more interesting? MicroPython already has this functionality implemented. Check out the ussl.

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