One ESP32 as Master and several as client - how to transfer data...

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One ESP32 as Master and several as client - how to transfer data...

Post by netsrac » Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:25 pm


Before I start to implement everything from scratch. What is the easiest way to do the following:

I want to run one ESP32 (with MicroPython) that serves as a server. This device has a display and should show temperature (and other values) send to him by some clients.

The clients itself are also based on ESP32 and measure the temperature, send it over to the server and then go into deepsleep for some time.

So what’s the best way for the communication. Should I go the web server/client approach? Or are there any other ways?

Anybody know of any sample code and/or tutorials which does exactly what I would like to do?

Thanks, Carsten

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Re: One ESP32 as Master and several as client - how to transfer data...

Post by JeroenH » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:30 pm

MQTT sounds like a good option. I'm building something that sounds similar to your project. I want to have ESP32-based temperature/relative humidity/PIR sensors in all the rooms, each with their own small OLED display.

The living room unit will have an ESP32 connected to a larger LCD (or maybe an e-ink display), to display the information from the other rooms. Also, my Raspberry Pi which runs an MQTT broker (Mosquitto) also runs a python script that collects information from several APIs (weather, our solar panel power production) and publishes that information as MQTT messages. The living room unit can then display that information.

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