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Building ESP8266 port - tips, tricks, and updates

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:28 am
by pfalcon
Thanks for your interest in building MicroPython ESP8266 port from the source code. This is a first step towards contributing to the project, and the recommended way to proceed to users who missed the Kickstarter campaign for the port. (Interested KS backers are very welcome to follow it too).

There was immense feedback on this forum regarding builds tips and tricks, and we'd like to provide some "official" points to save both your and our time while we're actively working on the project:
  1. The port is work in progress and still may undergo considerable changes.
  2. MicroPython ESP8266 port requires the latest (as in: today's) version of esp-open-sdk. Please make sure you always use the latest version of both micropython and esp-open-sdk. esp-open-sdk is itself regularly updated and some changes require complete rebuild of the toolchain. Use "make clean; make" for both projects if in doubt (i.e. this should be the first troubleshooting step if something doesn't work as expected).
  3. If you flash MicroPython for the first time, or after flashing any other firmware, make sure to erase flash completely:

    Code: Select all erase_flash
    (this will of course clear any settings like configured access points too).
  4. The official documentation for building is located in README files of MicroPython repository (both in esp8266 and top directories) and esp-open-sdk repository. Any other documentation you may find elsewhere may be out of date or limited-use. (The official documentation itself is work in progress, and we'll update it based on feedback.)
  5. If you report issue on github, please make sure to specify the exact git revisions of micropython and esp-open-sdk you used, and exact steps you followed (or where you got binary release from, e.g. received as a Kickstarter backer)
Currently, the best platform to build MicroPython ESP8266 is Linux. Results of building esp-open-sdk on MacOSX may vary. There seems to be problems with Cygwin. So, if you don't run Linux natively, and experience some issues, the best approach may be to install Linux in a VM. We also plan to look into addressing these issues (that's why esp-open-sdk will keep changing), but this will be at lower priority than MicroPython development itself.

If you intend to build MicroPython regularly, please subscribe to this thread to receive notifications of various updates related to build process.


Re: Building ESP8266 port - tips, tricks, and updates

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:47 pm
by pfalcon
Now, before issuing "make" to build MicroPython, you need to run "make axtls" to build axTLS dependency.

Re: Building ESP8266 port - tips, tricks, and updates

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 5:12 pm
by pfalcon
master branch now has WebREPL daemon NOT enable by default on startup (again). You'll need to enable it in if you build from master.

Re: Building ESP8266 port - tips, tricks, and updates

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 6:11 pm
by pfalcon
There has been major update of esp-open-sdk (upgrade to the version of crosstool-NG and gcc used). The (highly) recommended way to update is to rename your old installation of esp-open-sdk, make a new clone from github and build - there will be complete re-fetch of toolchain sources and rebuild from scratch. After rebuild, check the gcc version:

Code: Select all

$ xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc --version
xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc (crosstool-NG crosstool-ng-1.22.0-53-g46f160f) 4.8.5

Re: Building ESP8266 port - tips, tricks, and updates

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 10:37 am
by pfalcon
There was another crosstool-NG update requiring complete esp-open-skd rebuild. The recommendations are the same as in the previous message. Expected version:

Code: Select all

$ xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc --version
xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc (crosstool-NG crosstool-ng-1.22.0-55-gecfc19a) 4.8.5

Re: Building ESP8266 port - tips, tricks, and updates

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:43 pm
by pfalcon
esp-open-sdk was upgraded to ESP8266 SDK 1.5.4. Another update is esptool to the latest upstream master, which now uses another flashing method.

Re: Building ESP8266 port - tips, tricks, and updates

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:09 am
by pfalcon
Building esp8266 port now requires mpy-cross tool, see updated instructions at ... er/esp8266 .

Re: Building ESP8266 port - tips, tricks, and updates

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:20 pm
by pfalcon
There're few pending changes which may affect compatibility with previous releases:
  • For compatibility with ESP8266 SDK 2.0.0, flash layout will be changed, after this happens, new binary version will need to installed after erase_flash.
  • There will be a change in WebREPL protocol: . Current WebREPL clients won't work any longer for file transfer, you'll need to use "wip" branch as described in the ticket above.
This is early notice of the upcoming changes (as in: if you don't want to be affected by compatibility issues, make a build from today's master and stick to it until next release). The changes above will become "official" with the next release, 1.8.3 (so, you will know that it will require erase_flash before install).

Re: Building ESP8266 port - tips, tricks, and updates

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:05 pm
by pfalcon
There will be a change in WebREPL protocol: . Current WebREPL clients won't work any longer for file transfer, you'll need to use "wip" branch as described in the ticket above.
This change is landed in master and ready for testing.

Re: Building ESP8266 port - tips, tricks, and updates

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:25 pm
by pfalcon
With 1.8.5 having been tagged, esp8266 port switches to vendor SDK 2.0.0, please update to the latest esp-open-sdk. Another change is support for --flash_size=detect switch, likewise, master will be updated soon to use it.