Support for 512K modules reinstated

All ESP8266 boards running MicroPython.
Official boards are the Adafruit Huzzah and Feather boards.
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Support for 512K modules reinstated

Post by pfalcon » Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:12 pm

It wasn't a too frequent request to (re)add support for 512K modules, but 5 or so of Kickstarter backers asked for it, and so it's here. Note however that experience with 512K module will quite different than with 1+MB, officially supported by MicroPython: there's no filesystem, no webrepl, and as it stands currently, very little space to add a user application as frozen module or bytecode (and that's the only way to store a user application, as there's no filesystem). In other words, with 512K, you'd get a REPL over UART, and that's mostly all. So, 512K version would be interested mostly to advanced users, and the first step such user should (besides gathering in this topic) is to consider what more features to disable in the config to get more space to store frozen modules.

More details are/will be available . It's recommended to use this topic for discussion among interested users, and once some consensus is achieved, to request it at the ticket above.
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Christian Walther
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Re: Support for 512K modules reinstated

Post by Christian Walther » Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:05 am

Yay! 8-) I was never quite sure whether supporting them was still an official goal, given that the documentation still states “The minimum requirement for flash size is 512k. A board with this amount of flash will not have room for a filesystem, but otherwise is fully functional.”, even though that hasn’t been the case for a couple of releases. I’m glad that my ESP-01 will continue to be useful. I have acquired other boards running MicroPython in the meantime, so I don’t have as much of a real need anymore, but it would still be a shame to have the ESP-01 become essentially useless (as I’m less interested in programming it in other languages). I have mostly used it for quick experiments and tests, e.g. checking a neopixel strip for dead pixels, which were done interactively on the REPL, so no need for user program storage in flash. I did use the WebREPL though, which was functional in the last build I found that would fit in the 512K flash (possibly esp8266-2016-07-19-v1.8.2-19-gc3f519a.bin). It seems useful to be able to use the device untethered if needed. Would sacrificing other functionality allow bringing back the WebREPL too? I haven’t checked yet what I would find acceptable to drop, but certainly anything that can also be loaded into RAM as Python code over the REPL.

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Re: Support for 512K modules reinstated

Post by Niallp » Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:22 am

Just playing around with a couple ESP-01 at the moment and noticed a 512k make target ... it doesn't seem to do much and certainly doesn't deploy, is this intended to work ? So far I can load a daily build from downloads but not make my own.

Any hints appreciated, thanks.

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