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Re: Memory upgrade: Expand flash to 32 MB

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 5:21 pm
by crizeo
Thank you so much for your answers :!: Your driver from helped me a lot in understanding the SPI interface! For further assistance I used and the Winbond documentation for W25Q32BV and W25Q256FV. Got it working now :D

The driver []:

The following class acts as a simple driver for Winbond Serial Flash Memory chips (for the ESP8266). Some people searching around this forum might want to use it as a template (no caching, so it is very slow in writing, ~1-5 kBps). It was tested with a W25Q32 and W25Q256 on a ESP-12, but the others (like W25Q128 or W25Q80) should work as well.

Code: Select all

from micropython import const

class W25QFlash:
    SECTOR_SIZE = const(4096)
    BLOCK_SIZE = const(512)
    PAGE_SIZE = const(256)
    def __init__(self, spi, cs, baud=40000000):
        self.cs = cs
        self.spi = spi
        self.cs.init(self.cs.OUT, value=1)
        self.spi.init(baudrate=baud, phase=1, polarity=1)  # highest possible baudrate is 40 MHz for ESP-12

        self._cache = bytearray(self.SECTOR_SIZE)  # buffer for writing single blocks
        self._CAPACITY = self.identify()  # calc number of bytes (and makes sure the chip is detected and supported)
        self._ADR_LEN = 3 if (len(bin(self._CAPACITY-1))-2) <= 24 else 4  # address length (default: 3 bytes, 32MB+: 4)
        # setup address mode:
        if self._ADR_LEN == 4:
            if not self._read_status_reg(16):  # not in 4-byte mode
                print("entering 4-byte address mode")
                self.spi.write(b'\xB7')  # 'Enter 4-Byte Address Mode'

    def identify(self):
        # Determines manufacturer and device id and raises an error if the device is not detected or
        # not supported. Returns the number of blocks (calculated based on the detected chip).

        self.spi.write(b'\x9F')  # 'Read JEDEC ID'
        mf, mem_type, cap =, 0x00)  # manufacturer id, memory type id, capacity id

        if not (mf and mem_type and cap):  # something is 0x00
            raise OSError("device not responding, check wiring. (%s, %s, %s)" % (hex(mf), hex(mem_type), hex(cap)))
        if mf != 0xEF or mem_type not in [0x40, 0x60]:  # Winbond manufacturer, Q25 series memory (tested 0x40 only)
            raise OSError("manufacturer (%s) or memory type (%s) not supported" % (hex(mf), hex(mem_type)))
        print("manufacturer:", hex(mf))
        print("device:", hex(mem_type << 8 | cap))
        print("capacity: %d bytes" % int(2**cap))
        return 2**cap  # calculate number of bytes

    def format(self):
        # Performs a chip erase, which resets all memory to 0xFF (might take a few seconds/minutes).
        # Important: Run os.VfsFat.mkfs(flash) to make the flash an accessible file system.
        #            As always, you will then need to run os.mount(flash, '/MyFlashDir') then.
        self.spi.write(b'\xC7')  # 'Chip Erase'
        self._await()  # wait for the chip to finish formatting

    def _read_status_reg(self, nr):  # Returns the value (0 or 1) in status register <nr> (S0, S1, S2, ...)
        reg, bit = divmod(nr, 8)
        self.spi.write((b'\x05', b'\x35', b'\x15')[reg])  # 'Read Status Register-...' (1, 2, 3)
        stat = 2**bit &, 0xFF)[0]
        return stat

    def _await(self):  # Waits for device not to be busy and returns if so
        self.spi.write(b'\x05')  # 'Read Status Register-1'
        while 0x1 &, 0xFF)[0]:  # last bit (1) is BUSY bit in stat. reg. byte (0 = not busy, 1 = busy)

    def _sector_erase(self, addr):  # Resets all memory within the specified sector (4KB) to 0xFF
        self.spi.write(b'\x20')  # 'Sector Erase'
        self.spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))

    def _read(self, buf, addr):
        # Reads len(<buf>) bytes from the chip - starting at <addr> - into <buf>. To keep things
        # easy, len(<buf>) has to be a multiple of self.SECTOR_SIZE (or even better: less than that).
        print("read %d bytes starting at %s" % (len(buf), hex(addr)))
        assert addr+len(buf) <= self._CAPACITY, \
            "memory not addressable at %s with range %d (max.: %s)" % \
            (hex(addr), len(buf), hex(self._CAPACITY-1))

        self.spi.write(b'\x0C' if self._ADR_LEN == 4 else b'\x0B')  # 'Fast Read' (0x03 = default), 0x0C for 4-byte mode
        self.spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))
        self.spi.write(b'\xFF')  # dummy byte
        self.spi.readinto(buf, 0xFF)

    def _wren(self):  # Sets the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit in the status register
        self.spi.write(b'\x06')  # 'Write Enable'

    def _write(self, buf, addr):
        # Writes the data from <buf> to the device starting at <addr>, which has to be erased (0xFF)
        # before. Last byte of <addr> has to be zero, which means <addr> has to be a multiple of
        # self.PAGE_SIZE (= start of page), because wrapping to the next page (if page size exceeded)
        # is implemented for full pages only. Length of <buf> has to be a multiple of self.PAGE_SIZE,
        # because only full pages are supported at the moment (<addr> will be auto-incremented).
        print("write buf[%d] to %s (%d)" % (len(buf), hex(addr), addr))
        assert len(buf) % self.PAGE_SIZE == 0, "invalid buffer length: %d" % len(buf)
        assert not addr & 0xf, "address (%d) not at page start" % addr
        assert addr+len(buf) <= self._CAPACITY, \
            "memory not addressable at %s with range %d (max.: %s)" % \
            (hex(addr), len(buf), hex(self._CAPACITY-1))

        for i in range(0, len(buf), self.PAGE_SIZE):
            self.spi.write(b'\x02')  # 'Page Program'
            self.spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))
            addr += self.PAGE_SIZE

    def _writeblock(self, blocknum, buf):
        # To write a block, the sector (eg 4kB = 8 blocks) has to be erased first. Therefore, a sector will be read
        # and saved in cache first, then the given block will be replaced and the whole sector written back when
        assert len(buf) == self.BLOCK_SIZE, "invalid block length: %d" % len(buf)
        print("writeblock(%d, buf[%d])" % (blocknum, len(buf)))

        sector_nr = blocknum // 8
        sector_addr = sector_nr * self.SECTOR_SIZE
        index = (blocknum << 9) & 0xfff  # index of first byte of page in sector (multiple of self.PAGE_SIZE)

        self._read(self._cache, sector_addr)
        self._cache[index:index+self.BLOCK_SIZE] = buf  # apply changes
        self._write(self._cache, sector_addr)  # addr is multiple of self.SECTOR_SIZE, so last byte is zero

    def readblocks(self, blocknum, buf):
        # Read data from the chip starting at block number <blocknum> to <buf> (len = multiple of self.BLOCK_SIZE)
        assert len(buf) % self.BLOCK_SIZE == 0, 'invalid buffer length: %d' % len(buf)

        buf_len = len(buf)
        if buf_len == self.BLOCK_SIZE:
            self._read(buf, blocknum << 9)
            offset = 0
            buf_mv = memoryview(buf)
            while offset < buf_len:
                self._read(buf_mv[offset:offset+self.BLOCK_SIZE], blocknum << 9)
                offset += self.BLOCK_SIZE
                blocknum += 1

    def writeblocks(self, blocknum, buf):
        # Writes the content from <buf> (len must be multiple of self.BLOCK_SIZE) to block number <blocknum>
        assert len(buf) % self.BLOCK_SIZE == 0, 'invalid buffer length: %d' % len(buf)

        buf_len = len(buf)
        if buf_len == self.BLOCK_SIZE:
            self._writeblock(blocknum, buf)
            offset = 0
            buf_mv = memoryview(buf)
            while offset < buf_len:
                self._writeblock(blocknum, buf_mv[offset:offset+self.BLOCK_SIZE])
                offset += self.BLOCK_SIZE
                blocknum += 1

    def count(self):  # Returns the number of blocks (self.BLOCK_SIZE bytes) available on the device
        return int(self._CAPACITY / self.BLOCK_SIZE)

Or you could use the following version of, which uses the cached sector, so that writing will be a bit faster for big files (no faster reading). But you always have to call the sync() method to apply the changes before shutting the ESP or the memory chip down.

Code: Select all

from micropython import const

class W25QFlash:
    SECTOR_SIZE = const(4096)
    BLOCK_SIZE = const(512)
    PAGE_SIZE = const(256)

    def __init__(self, spi, cs, baud=40000000):
        self.cs = cs
        self.spi = spi
        self.cs.init(self.cs.OUT, value=1)
        self.spi.init(baudrate=baud, phase=1, polarity=1)  # highest possible baudrate is 40 MHz for ESP-12

        self._cache_saddr = None  # address of the sector that is currently cached
        self._cache_isdirty = False  # set to True if the data has not been written back to the chip
        self._cache = bytearray(self.SECTOR_SIZE)  # buffer for writing single blocks
        self._CAPACITY = self.identify()  # calc number of bytes (and makes sure the chip is detected and supported)
        self._ADR_LEN = 3 if (len(
            bin(self._CAPACITY - 1)) - 2) <= 24 else 4  # address length (default: 3 bytes, 32MB+: 4)
        # setup address mode:
        if self._ADR_LEN == 4:
            if not self._read_status_reg(16):  # not in 4-byte mode
                self.spi.write(b'\xB7')  # 'Enter 4-Byte Address Mode'

    def identify(self):
        # Determines manufacturer and device id and raises an error if the device is not detected or
        # not supported. Returns the number of blocks (calculated based on the detected chip).

        self.spi.write(b'\x9F')  # 'Read JEDEC ID'
        mf, mem_type, cap =, 0x00)  # manufacturer id, memory type id, capacity id

        if not (mf and mem_type and cap):  # something is 0x00
            raise OSError("device not responding, check wiring. (%s, %s, %s)" % (hex(mf), hex(mem_type), hex(cap)))
        if mf != 0xEF or mem_type not in [0x40, 0x60]:  # Winbond manufacturer, Q25 series memory (tested 0x40 only)
            raise OSError("manufacturer (%s) or memory type (%s) not supported" % (hex(mf), hex(mem_type)))
        #print("manufacturer:", hex(mf))
        #print("device:", hex(mem_type << 8 | cap))
        #print("capacity: %d bytes" % int(2 ** cap))
        return 2 ** cap  # calculate number of bytes

    def format(self):
        # Performs a chip erase, which resets all memory to 0xFF (might take a few seconds/minutes).
        # Important: Run os.VfsFat.mkfs(flash) to make the flash an accessible file system.
        #            As always, you will then need to run os.mount(flash, '/MyFlashDir') then.
        self.spi.write(b'\xC7')  # 'Chip Erase'
        self._await()  # wait for the chip to finish formatting

    def _read_status_reg(self, nr):  # Returns the value (0 or 1) in status register <nr> (S0, S1, S2, ...)
        reg, bit = divmod(nr, 8)
        self.spi.write((b'\x05', b'\x35', b'\x15')[reg])  # 'Read Status Register-...' (1, 2, 3)
        stat = 2 ** bit &, 0xFF)[0]
        return stat

    def _await(self):  # Waits for device not to be busy and returns if so
        self.spi.write(b'\x05')  # 'Read Status Register-1'
        while 0x1 &, 0xFF)[0]:  # last bit (1) is BUSY bit in stat. reg. byte (0 = not busy, 1 = busy)

    def _sector_erase(self, addr):  # Resets all memory within the specified sector (4KB) to 0xFF
        self.spi.write(b'\x20')  # 'Sector Erase'
        self.spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))

    def _read(self, buf, addr):
        # Reads len(<buf>) bytes from the chip - starting at <addr> - into <buf>. To keep things
        # easy, len(<buf>) has to be a multiple of self.SECTOR_SIZE (or even better: less than that).
        #print("read %d bytes starting at %s" % (len(buf), hex(addr)))
        #assert addr + len(buf) <= self._CAPACITY, \
        #    "memory not addressable at %s with range %d (max.: %s)" % \
        #    (hex(addr), len(buf), hex(self._CAPACITY - 1))

        if self._cache_saddr is not None:
            buf_len = len(buf)
            if self._cache_saddr <= addr and addr+buf_len <= self._cache_saddr+self.SECTOR_SIZE:
                # section is completely cached, so simply read from cache
                buf[:] = self._cache[addr-self._cache_saddr:addr-self._cache_saddr+buf_len]
                return  # do not read from memory
            elif addr < self._cache_saddr < addr+buf_len or addr < self._cache_saddr+self.SECTOR_SIZE < addr+buf_len:
                # part of the section is in cache, so write back if required before reading all from memory

        self.spi.write(b'\x0C' if self._ADR_LEN == 4 else b'\x0B')  # 'Fast Read' (0x03 = default), 0x0C for 4-byte mode
        self.spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))
        self.spi.write(b'\xFF')  # dummy byte
        self.spi.readinto(buf, 0xFF)

    def _wren(self):  # Sets the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit in the status register
        self.spi.write(b'\x06')  # 'Write Enable'

    def _write(self, buf, addr):
        # Writes the data from <buf> to the device starting at <addr>, which has to be erased (0xFF)
        # before. Last byte of <addr> has to be zero, which means <addr> has to be a multiple of
        # self.PAGE_SIZE (= start of page), because wrapping to the next page (if page size exceeded)
        # is implemented for full pages only. Length of <buf> has to be a multiple of self.PAGE_SIZE,
        # because only full pages are supported at the moment (<addr> will be auto-incremented).
        #print("write buf[%d] to %s (%d)" % (len(buf), hex(addr), addr))
        #assert len(buf) % self.PAGE_SIZE == 0, "invalid buffer length: %d" % len(buf)
        #assert not addr & 0xf, "address (%d) not at page start" % addr
        #assert addr + len(buf) <= self._CAPACITY, \
        #    "memory not addressable at %s with range %d (max.: %s)" % \
        #    (hex(addr), len(buf), hex(self._CAPACITY - 1))

        for i in range(0, len(buf), self.PAGE_SIZE):
            self.spi.write(b'\x02')  # 'Page Program'
            self.spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))
            self.spi.write(buf[i:i + self.PAGE_SIZE])
            addr += self.PAGE_SIZE

    def _writeblock(self, blocknum, buf):
        # To write a block, the sector (eg 4kB = 8 blocks) has to be erased first. Therefore, a sector will be read
        # and saved in cache first, then the given block will be replaced and the whole sector written back when
        #assert len(buf) == self.BLOCK_SIZE, "invalid block length: %d" % len(buf)
        #print("writeblock(%d, buf[%d])" % (blocknum, len(buf)))

        sector_nr = blocknum // 8
        sector_addr = sector_nr * self.SECTOR_SIZE
        index = (blocknum << 9) & 0xfff  # index of first byte of page in sector (multiple of self.PAGE_SIZE)

        if sector_addr != self._cache_saddr:  # sector not cached -> put in cache
            self.sync()  # write back previously cached sector first (apply old changes)
            self._read(self._cache, sector_addr)
            self._cache_saddr = sector_addr
        self._cache[index:index + self.BLOCK_SIZE] = buf  # perform changes in cache
        self._cache_isdirty = True  # sync() has to be called to apply the changes!

    def readblocks(self, blocknum, buf):
        # Read data from the chip starting at block number <blocknum> to <buf> (len = multiple of self.BLOCK_SIZE)
        #print("READ %d bytes starting at block %d" % (len(buf), blocknum))
        #assert len(buf) % self.BLOCK_SIZE == 0, 'invalid buffer length: %d' % len(buf)

        buf_len = len(buf)
        if buf_len == self.BLOCK_SIZE:
            self._read(buf, blocknum << 9)
            offset = 0
            buf_mv = memoryview(buf)
            while offset < buf_len:
                self._read(buf_mv[offset:offset + self.BLOCK_SIZE], blocknum << 9)
                offset += self.BLOCK_SIZE
                blocknum += 1

    def writeblocks(self, blocknum, buf):
        # Writes the content from <buf> (len must be multiple of self.BLOCK_SIZE) to block number <blocknum>
        #print("WRITE %d bytes starting at block %d" % (len(buf), blocknum))
        #assert len(buf) % self.BLOCK_SIZE == 0, 'invalid buffer length: %d' % len(buf)

        buf_len = len(buf)
        if buf_len == self.BLOCK_SIZE:
            self._writeblock(blocknum, buf)
            offset = 0
            buf_mv = memoryview(buf)
            while offset < buf_len:
                self._writeblock(blocknum, buf_mv[offset:offset + self.BLOCK_SIZE])
                offset += self.BLOCK_SIZE
                blocknum += 1

    def sync(self):  # Writes back the sector from cache to the chip (required to apply the changes!)
        if self._cache_isdirty:
            self._write(self._cache, self._cache_saddr)  # addr is multiple of self.SECTOR_SIZE, so last byte is zero
            self._cache_isdirty = False

    def count(self):  # Returns the number of blocks (self.BLOCK_SIZE bytes) available on the device
        return int(self._CAPACITY / self.BLOCK_SIZE)


First of all, the wiring has to be ok, otherwise you won't even get the manufacturer information (__init__ method will fail). VCC and GND connected. DI/IO0 to MOSI/13, DO/IO1 to MISO/12, CLK to SCK/14 and CS to pin 15 (or any pin you like). Make sure to add pull-up resistors. Especially HOLD (and RESET) should be pulled up (or connected to VCC directly if not required)!

Code: Select all

import machine, os, winbond
flash = winbond.W25QFlash(machine.SPI(1), machine.Pin(15))
 flash.format()         # !!! only required on the very first start (will remove everything); takes some seconds/minutes!
 os.VfsFat.mkfs(flash)  # !!! only required on first setup and after formatting
os.mount(flash, '/win')  # after every reboot of the ESP

Re: [SOLVED] Memory upgrade: Expand flash to 32 MB

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:46 am
by brainelectronics
thank you very much @crizeo for this great module!
I've polished it a little bit and added the possibility to use it with Winbond chips that require a software reset command due to the lack of a hardware reset pin. This has been tested with W25Q128JVSIQ and its siblings

Code: Select all

from micropython import const
import time

class W25QFlash:
    SECTOR_SIZE = const(4096)
    BLOCK_SIZE = const(512)
    PAGE_SIZE = const(256)

    def __init__(self, spi, cs, baud=40000000, software_reset=True):
        self.cs = cs
        self.spi = spi
        self.cs.init(self.cs.OUT, value=1)
        # highest possible baudrate is 40 MHz for ESP-12
        self.spi.init(baudrate=baud, phase=1, polarity=1)
        self._busy = False

        if software_reset:

        # buffer for writing single blocks
        self._cache = bytearray(self.SECTOR_SIZE)

        # calc number of bytes (and makes sure the chip is detected and
        # supported)

        # address length (default: 3 bytes, 32MB+: 4)
        self._ADR_LEN = 3 if (len(bin(self._CAPACITY-1))-2) <= 24 else 4

        # setup address mode:
        if self._ADR_LEN == 4:
            if not self._read_status_reg(nr=16):  # not in 4-byte mode
                print("entering 4-byte address mode")
                self.spi.write(b'\xB7')  # 'Enter 4-Byte Address Mode'

    def reset(self) -> None:
        Reset the Winbond flash if the device has no hardware reset pin.

        See datasheet section 7.2.43 Enable Reset (66h) and Reset (99h)
        Because of the small package and the limitation on the number of pins,
        the W25Q64FV provide a software Reset instruction instead of a
        dedicated RESET pin. Once the Reset instruction is accepted, any
        on-going internal operations will be terminated and the device will
        return to its default power-on state and lose all the current volatile
        settings, such as Volatile Status Register bits, Write Enable Latch
        (WEL) status, Program/Erase Suspend status, Read parameter setting
        (P7-P0), Continuous Read Mode bit setting (M7-M0) and Wrap Bit setting
        "Enable Reset (66h)" and "Reset (99h)" instructions can be issued in
        either SPI mode or QPI mode. To avoid accidental reset, both
        instructions must be issued in sequence. Any other commands other than
        "Reset (99h)" after the "Enable Reset (66h)" command will disable the
        "Reset Enable" state. A new sequence of "Enable Reset (66h)" and
        "Reset (99h)" is needed to reset the device. Once the Reset command is
        accepted by the device, the device will take approximately tRST=30us
        to reset. During this period, no command will be accepted.
        Data corruption may happen if there is an on-going or suspended
        internal Erase or Program operation when Reset command sequence is
        accepted by the device. It is recommended to check the BUSY bit and
        the SUS bit in Status Register before issuing the Reset command
        if self._busy:
        self._busy = True
        self.spi.write(b'\x66')  # 'Enable Reset' command
        self.spi.write(b'\x99')  # 'Reset' command
        self._busy = False
        # print('Reset performed')

    def identify(self) -> None:
        Identify the Winbond chip.

        Determine the manufacturer and device ID and raises an error if the
        device is not detected or not supported.
        The capacity variable is set to the number of blocks (calculated based
        on the detected chip).
        self.spi.write(b'\x9F')  # 'Read JEDEC ID' command

        # manufacturer id, memory type id, capacity id
        mf, mem_type, cap =, 0x00)

        self._CAPACITY = int(2**cap)

        if not (mf and mem_type and cap):  # something is 0x00
            raise OSError("device not responding, check wiring. ({}, {}, {})".
                          format(hex(mf), hex(mem_type), hex(cap)))
        if mf != 0xEF or mem_type not in [0x40, 0x60]:
            # Winbond manufacturer, Q25 series memory (tested 0x40 only)
            raise OSError("manufacturer ({}) or memory type ({}) unsupported".
                          format(hex(mf), hex(mem_type)))

        print("manufacturer: {}".format(hex(mf)))               # 0xef
        print("mem_type: {}".format(mem_type))
        print("device: {}".format(hex(mem_type << 8 | cap)))    # 0x4016
        print("capacity: {} bytes".format(self._CAPACITY))      # 4194304 bytes
        # return self._CAPACITY  # calculate number of bytes

    def get_size(self) -> int:
        Get the flash chip size.

        :returns:   The flash size in byte.
        :rtype:     int
        return self._CAPACITY

    def format(self) -> None:
        Format the Winbond flash chip by resetting all memory to 0xFF.

        Important: Run "os.VfsFat.mkfs(flash)" to make the flash an accessible
        file system. As always, you will then need to run
        "os.mount(flash, '/MyFlashDir')" then to mount the flash
        self.spi.write(b'\xC7')  # 'Chip Erase' command
        self._await()  # wait for the chip to finish formatting

    def _read_status_reg(self, nr) -> int:
        Read a status register.

        :param      nr:   Register number to read
        :type       nr:   int

        :returns:   The value (0 or 1) in status register (S0, S1, S2, ...)
        :rtype:     int
        reg, bit = divmod(nr, 8)
        # 'Read Status Register-...' (1, 2, 3) command
        self.spi.write((b'\x05', b'\x35', b'\x15')[reg])
        stat = 2**bit &, 0xFF)[0]

        return stat

    def _await(self) -> None:
        Wait for device not to be busy
        self._busy = True
        self.spi.write(b'\x05')  # 'Read Status Register-1' command

        # last bit (1) is BUSY bit in stat. reg. byte (0 = not busy, 1 = busy)
        while 0x1 &, 0xFF)[0]:

        self._busy = False

    def _sector_erase(self, addr) -> None:
        Resets all memory within the specified sector (4kB) to 0xFF

        :param      addr:  The address
        :type       addr:  int
        self.spi.write(b'\x20')  # 'Sector Erase' command
        self.spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))

    def _read(self, buf: list, addr: int) -> None:
        Read the length of the buffer bytes from the chip.

        The buffer length has to be a multiple of self.SECTOR_SIZE (or less).

        :param      buf:   The buffer
        :type       buf:   list
        :param      addr:  The start address
        :type       addr:  int
        assert addr+len(buf) <= self._CAPACITY, \
            "memory not addressable at %s with range %d (max.: %s)" % \
            (hex(addr), len(buf), hex(self._CAPACITY-1))
        # print("read {} bytes starting at {}".format(len(buf), hex(addr)))

        # 'Fast Read' (0x03 = default), 0x0C for 4-byte mode command
        self.spi.write(b'\x0C' if self._ADR_LEN == 4 else b'\x0B')
        self.spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))
        self.spi.write(b'\xFF')  # dummy byte
        self.spi.readinto(buf, 0xFF)

    def _wren(self) -> None:
        Set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit in the status register
        self.spi.write(b'\x06')  # 'Write Enable' command

    def _write(self, buf: list, addr: int) -> None:
        Write the data of the given buffer to the address location

        Writes the data from <buf> to the device starting at <addr>, which
        has to be erased (0xFF) before. Last byte of <addr> has to be zero,
        which means <addr> has to be a multiple of self.PAGE_SIZE (= start
        of page), because wrapping to the next page (if page size exceeded)
        is implemented for full pages only. Length of <buf> has to be a
        multiple of self.PAGE_SIZE, because only full pages are supported at
        the moment (<addr> will be auto-incremented).

        :param      buf:   The data buffer to write
        :type       buf:   list
        :param      addr:  The starting address
        :type       addr:  int
        assert len(buf) % self.PAGE_SIZE == 0, \
            "invalid buffer length: {}".format(len(buf))
        assert not addr & 0xf, \
            "address ({}) not at page start".format(addr)
        assert addr+len(buf) <= self._CAPACITY, \
            ("memory not addressable at {} with range {} (max.: {})".
                format((hex(addr), len(buf), hex(self._CAPACITY-1))))
        # print("write buf[{}] to {} ({})".format(len(buf), hex(addr), addr))

        for i in range(0, len(buf), self.PAGE_SIZE):
            self.spi.write(b'\x02')  # 'Page Program' command
            self.spi.write(addr.to_bytes(self._ADR_LEN, 'big'))
            addr += self.PAGE_SIZE

    def _writeblock(self, blocknum: int, buf: list) -> None:
        Write a data block.

        To write a block, the sector (e.g. 4kB = 8 blocks) has to be erased
        first. Therefore, a sector will be read and saved in cache first,
        then the given block will be replaced and the whole sector written
        back when

        :param      blocknum:  The block number
        :type       blocknum:  int
        :param      buf:       The data buffer
        :type       buf:       list
        assert len(buf) == self.BLOCK_SIZE, \
            "invalid block length: {}".format(len(buf))
        # print("writeblock({}, buf[{}])".format(blocknum, len(buf)))

        sector_nr = blocknum // 8
        sector_addr = sector_nr * self.SECTOR_SIZE
        # index of first byte of page in sector (multiple of self.PAGE_SIZE)
        index = (blocknum << 9) & 0xfff

        self._read(buf=self._cache, addr=sector_addr)
        self._cache[index:index+self.BLOCK_SIZE] = buf  # apply changes
        # addr is multiple of self.SECTOR_SIZE, so last byte is zero
        self._write(buf=self._cache, addr=sector_addr)

    def readblocks(self, blocknum: int, buf: list) -> None:
        Read a data block. The length has to be a multiple of self.BLOCK_SIZE

        :param      blocknum:  The starting block number
        :type       blocknum:  int
        :param      buf:       The data buffer
        :type       buf:       list
        assert len(buf) % self.BLOCK_SIZE == 0, \
            'invalid buffer length: {}'.format(len(buf))

        buf_len = len(buf)
        if buf_len == self.BLOCK_SIZE:
            self._read(buf=buf, addr=blocknum << 9)
            offset = 0
            buf_mv = memoryview(buf)
            while offset < buf_len:
                           addr=blocknum << 9)
                offset += self.BLOCK_SIZE
                blocknum += 1

    def writeblocks(self, blocknum: int, buf: list) -> None:
        Write a data block.The length has to be a multiple of self.BLOCK_SIZE

        :param      blocknum:  The block number
        :type       blocknum:  int
        :param      buf:       The data buffer
        :type       buf:       list
        assert len(buf) % self.BLOCK_SIZE == 0, \
            'invalid buffer length: {}'.format(len(buf))

        buf_len = len(buf)
        if buf_len == self.BLOCK_SIZE:
            self._writeblock(blocknum=blocknum, buf=buf)
            offset = 0
            buf_mv = memoryview(buf)
            while offset < buf_len:
                offset += self.BLOCK_SIZE
                blocknum += 1

    def count(self) -> int:
        Return the number of blocks available on the device

        :returns:   Number of blocks
        :rtype:     int
        return int(self._CAPACITY / self.BLOCK_SIZE)
And this would be a short usage example for a W25Q128JVSIQ in a SOIC-8 package

Code: Select all

import machine
import os
import winbond

# Pin   HSPI (id=1)   VSPI (id=2)
# -------------------------------
# sck   14            18
# mosi  13            23
# miso  12            19
# cs    x, here 5     x, here 5
flash = winbond.W25QFlash(spi=machine.SPI(2),

# !!! only required on the very first start (will remove everything)
# takes some seconds/minutes!

# !!! only required on first setup and after formatting

# after every reboot of the ESP
os.mount(flash, '/win')
# os.chdir('win')

# unmount flash