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Hifive and Microbit v2 Radio

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:22 am
by fritzzzing
I am just very curious.

Hifive Inventor board was also made by BBC. It is a Sifive risc-v board with an esp32. It has micropython already installed with radio. I would assume it would work HiFive to HiFive just as a Microbit would to a Microbit. I think this is an interesting question to ask anyways.

I tried just coding both with the same configs and it didn't work that way based on Microbit V2 having a Nordic chip.
Microbit V1 has been out a while and there are more content on it, not as much Microbit V2.

I mean it is possible to communicate with other boards using the Micropython Radio to an extent depending.

Any help or tips is appreciated,
Thank You!.