I have a question about the nRF52840 (or its siblings) concerning BLE and ultra low power modes.
According to this page (https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/nordic/n ... 52-designs) the idea is to let the microprocessor sleep for most of the time. Nothing unusual.
When using BLE and a Soft Device it seems that all the logic is already baked in and tested. The only thing that the application has to do is call sd_app_evt_wait().
E.g. if we set an advertising interval of x seconds and a minimal connection interval of y seconds the Soft Device would wake up automatically for the advertising and for the connection to keep it alive and serve it. In between the device would sleep. But the application is required to call that sd_app_evt_wait() to make it work.
Does this work on the Micropython port and how do I call sd_app_evt_wait()?
nRF52 Ultra Low Power Modes
Re: nRF52 Ultra Low Power Modes
This library may help. You may also raise your issue here: https://github.com/micropython/micropyt ... /README.md