Virtual ESP32 Simulator on MicroPython - Feedback please

All ESP32 boards running MicroPython.
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 Virtual ESP32 Simulator on MicroPython - Feedback please

Post by JulieMeier » Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:10 pm

Hey all,
Am hoping that you are all doing so well and fine.
This writeup is about my new ESP32 simulator. It has been developed by Wokwi developers. Wokwi is an open-source free online simulator used in electronics that runs in any of your browsers. This can help you simulate programs that runs with other third-party sensors, display modules, LEDS and so many other parts that are common. It has initial support for the wifi simulation and the developers are really focused in making it connect to other third party through the internet.
Pleae! Don’t crucifie me if the writeup is not upto the required mark.
[]SSD1306 Example[/url]


[]WiFi Scanning[/url]

Am requesting that we try this out. I will be very happy when I come across your feedbacks. This is an open-source tool and we are focused in making it user friendly. And be helpful to all the developers including you.

Moderator Note: This post is actually a duplicate of viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11271&p=62064 and "Julie" isn't the real author. I've banned the user and deleted other posts.

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Re:  Virtual ESP32 Simulator on MicroPython - Feedback please

Post by mattyt » Mon Dec 13, 2021 1:07 am

It's really impressive stuff, thanks for your efforts Julie! I discussed Wokwi briefly at the November Melbourne MicroPython Meetup (Slide 25) and there was certainly interest in it.

I also enjoyed Uri Shaked's recent Remoticon talk about extending the Wokwi simulator by Reverse Engineering the ESP32 WiFi.

For those who haven't come across Wokwi before, it is indeed impressive; this example is running the stock ESP32 MicroPython port on simulated ESP32 hardware running in the browser. There's also support for the RPi Pico.

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