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Timers with two different delays.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 2:00 pm
by prathode
Hello Everyone,

Problem Statement:
I have attached 4 LEDs on gpios as (2, 13, 14, 15) of ESP-32. I am connecting it with Wi-Fi Network using usocket lib for HTTP requests. I want to add a feature where we get a command from HTTP Requests as LED pin number and onTime and offTime (in sec/ msec). I want to ON that particular LED for onTime period and OFF that LED for offTime period and this should happen periodically like eg., Periodic: ON LED For T1 --– OFF LED for T2 –-- ON for T1 --- OFF LED for T2 –-- ON for T1....

I have used Timers for this purpose.

My Implementation:

Code: Select all

import machine
import socket
import ure
import time
import network
from machine import Timer

# Connect to Wifi
w = network.WLAN()
w.connect("ssid", "password")
while not w.isconnected():

LEDS = [machine.Pin(i, machine.Pin.OUT) for i in (2, 13, 14, 15)]
 def LED_off(pin, value):
    return "LED %s set to: %s" % (pin, "OFF")

def LED_on(pin, value):
    return "LED %s set to: %s" % (pin, "ON")
def led_var_toggle(pin, T1=1000, T2=1000):
    tim = Timer(0)
    tim1 = Timer(1)
    tim.init(period=T1, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback= lambda t: LEDS[pin].value(not LEDS[pin].value()))
    tim1.init(period=T2+T2 mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback= lambda t: LEDS[pin].value(not LEDS[pin].value()))
    return "Executed"
def buildResponse(response):
    return '''HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nContent-length: %d\r\n\r\n%s''' % (len(response), response)

s = socket.socket()
s.bind(("", 80))

while True:
    cl, addr = s.accept()                   # creating client and accepting all requests
    print('client connected from', addr)
    request = str(cl.recv(1024))
    print("\n\nREQUEST: ", request)

    obj ="GET (.*?) HTTP\/1\.1", request)        # parsing url to split the command
    print("\n\nobj: ", obj)
    print(" ",
    print(" ",

    if not obj:
        cl.send(buildResponse("INVALID REQUEST"))
        path =

#  ===============    LED0X=2  =================
        if pathpath.startswith("/LED00=2"):
            cl.send(buildResponse("LED 1 ON for T1 sec and OFF for T2 sec: %s" % led_var_toggle(0)))
        elif pathpath.startswith("/LED01=2"):
            cl.send(buildResponse("LED 2 ON for T1 sec and OFF for T2 sec: %s" % led_var_toggle(1)))
        elif pathpath.startswith("/LED02=2"):
            cl.send(buildResponse("LED 3 ON for T1 sec and OFF for T2 sec: %s" % led_var_toggle(2)))
        elif pathpath.startswith("/LED03=2"):
            cl.send(buildResponse("LED 4 ON for T1 sec and OFF for T2 sec: %s" % led_var_toggle(3)))
#  ===============    LED0X=0   =================
        elif path.startswith("/LED00=0"):
            pin = parameters.get("pin", 0)
            value= parameters.get("value", 0)
            cl.send(buildResponse("SET LED:\n%s" % LED_off(pin, value))) 

        elif path.startswith("/LED01=0"):
            pin = parameters.get("pin", 1)
            value= parameters.get("value", 0)
            cl.send(buildResponse("SET LED:\n%s" % LED_off(pin, value)))  

        elif path.startswith("/LED02=0"):
            pin = parameters.get("pin", 2)
            value= parameters.get("value", 0)
            cl.send(buildResponse("SET LED:\n%s" % LED_off(pin, value))) 

        elif path.startswith("/LED03=0"):
            pin = parameters.get("pin", 3)
            value= parameters.get("value", 0)
            cl.send(buildResponse("SET RELAY:\n%s" % LED_off(pin, value))) 

    #  ===============    LED0X=1   =================
        elif path.startswith("/LED00=1"):
            pin = parameters.get("pin", 0)
            value= parameters.get("value", 1)
            cl.send(buildResponse("SET LED:\n%s" % LED_on(pin, value)))  
        elif path.startswith("/LED01=1"):
            pin = parameters.get("pin", 1)
            value= parameters.get("value", 1)
            cl.send(buildResponse("SET :\n%s" % LED_on(pin, value)))   

        elif path.startswith("/LED02=1"):
            pin = parameters.get("pin", 2)
            value= parameters.get("value", 1)
            cl.send(buildResponse("SET :\n%s" % LED_on(pin, value)))  

        elif path.startswith("/LED03=1"):
            pin = parameters.get("pin", 3)
            value= parameters.get("value", 1)
            cl.send(buildResponse("SET :\n%s" % LED_on(pin, value)))

The HTTP requests are as follows:
ip_address/LED0X=0 # Will turn off the LED0X
ip_address/LED0X=1 # Will turn on the LED0X
ip_address/LED0X=2 # Will turn toggle the LED0X

Here X is the number of LED, Eg., for turning LED 1 ON => ip_address/LED00=1

Thanks in advance.