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ESP32-CAM-MB - works with some but not all Firmware?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:49 am
by modulusmath
Good day All

My first step goal is to simply take a picture using ESP32-CAM and micropython.

I have purchased a board from Amazon "ESP32-CAM-MB Aideepen with OV2640 2MP Camera" because the esp32 and the camera and sdcard come in a nice little package, no wires :). This one

The stock firmware works great and I cam use the service on the device, but I am looking to use micropython.

Thus, I tried and I can use the latest Thonny 4.X from github to flash:

1 - The latest micropython firmware; flashed OK; I get a REPL OK

2 -; flashed OK; it works

3 - ... rmware.bin; flashed OK;

But I get:

flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371

I pressed RST on the board and the upper module; I remove the cable/rebooted. (I did the hokey pokey :D - -no luck)

4 - - flashed ok ; but I get:

flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371

Same button pushing and dancing...

Googling suggested bad hardware or a bad / incomplete flashing, but not sure seeing I can flash other firmwares and the behaviour is consistent. Maybe there is some subtle step I need?

I've re-downloaded the files just for completeness. I see others having had success w/these firmwares, so they seem valid.

I'm trying to use but included other options for comparison.

Does it sound like a local (my) issue?

Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks!

Re: ESP32-CAM-MB - works with some but not all Firmware?

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:56 am
by modulusmath
OK. Well. Here's an update.

- I took my esp32-cam-mb and flashed it with ... rmware.bin:

- I then followed ... o-esptool/


Code: Select all

import camera
img = camera.capture()
imgFile = open("photo.jpg", "wb")
import os
and photo.jpg showed up on the file system. Hooray!

I then downloaded and laughed as it took the corner of my face and the ceiling. (Baby Steps)

- I am embarrassed to share this but I didn't notice the little red dot piece of plastic on the actual lens. Yeah, definitely remove that :P