ESP32/LAN8710 emac: emac resetting .... problem

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ESP32/LAN8710 emac: emac resetting .... problem

Post by jgehlsen » Thu May 17, 2018 9:41 pm

I have built a custom board with an ESP32-WROOM-32 SOC and a LAN8710A IC for Ethernet connectivity. I have erased the memory and installed the latest MicroPython binaries. When I go to start the network, I get a constant stream of "emac: emac resetting .... " errors.

Here are the commands I am executing:

import machine
import network
eth = network.LAN(mdc = machine.Pin(23), mdio = machine.Pin(18), power = machine.Pin(17), phy_type = network.PHY_LAN8720, phy_addr=0)

Once I enter the "" command, I get a constant stream of "emac: emac resetting .... " errors.

Here are the pinouts for the board between the ESP32 and the LAN8710A.

LAN8710A <-> ESP32
22/TXD0 <-> GPIO19
23/TXD1 <-> GPIO22
21/TXEN <-> GPIO21
11/RXD0 <-> GPIO25
10/RXD1 <-> GPIO26
17/MDC <-> GPIO23
16/MDIO <-> GPIO18
15/CRS_DV <-> GPIO27

Any suggestions as to where to start debugging this? I have checked and double checked the board and everything looks good.

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