ESP32 - unable to receive multicast if ESP32 is access point

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ESP32 - unable to receive multicast if ESP32 is access point

Post by ZKDMun » Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:03 pm

First, my MCAST-sender-receiver code:

Code: Select all


sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
addr = socket.getaddrinfo("",MCAST_PORT)[0][-1]
opt = bytes([239,255,255,250])+bytes([0,0,0,0])
Now the problem:
I testet the following two network-configurations:

Access-Point: an ESP32
the clients are ESP8266 or ESP32

Access-Point: an ESP8266
the clients are ESP8266 and ESP32

For Conf1:
if I connect some ESP8266 and some ESP32 to an ESP32 as an AP, the ESP8266 are able to send (socket.sendto()) multicast-messages to other ESP8266 - but the ESP32s can not receive (socket.recvfrom()) any multicast-messages.
The ESP32s are only able to send multicast-messages (and the only clients which can receive the messages are ESP8266s).
The ESP8266s are not affected to this problem.

For example:
AP = ESP32 (,
Client1 = ESP32, Client2 = ESP8266, Client3 = ESP8266 (every device is connected to AP;,

Client1 is sending a message (socket.sendto(b"TEST-APESP32-FROMESP32",("",9898)):
Client2 will receive the message! (socket.recvfrom(100))
Client3 will receive the message! (socket.recvfrom(100))

Client2 ist sending a message (socket.sendto(b"TEST-APESP32-FROMESP8266",("",9898)):
Client3 will receive the message! (socket.recvfrom(100))
Client1 will never receive the message! (socket.recvfrom(100)) <<== FAILED!

My first guess was, that there is a problem for the ESP32 to receive multicast-messages... but the result of Conf2:
With an ESP8266 as an access point, the connected devices are all able to send and receive multicast-messages - ESP32s and ESP8266s.

For example:
AP = ESP8266 (,
Client1 = ESP32, Client2 = ESP32, Client3 = ESP8266 (every device is connected to AP;,

Client1 is sending a message (socket.sendto(b"TEST-APESP8266-FROMESP32",("",9898)):
Client2 will receive the message! (socket.recvfrom(100))
Client3 will receive the message! (socket.recvfrom(100))

Client3 is sending a message (socket.sendto(b"TEST-ESP8266-FROMESP8266",("",9898)):
Client1 will receive the message! (socket.recvfrom(100))
Client2 will receive the message! (socket.recvfrom(100))

There is only a problem if I use an ESP32 as access point - and only ESP32-clients are affected to this problem.

/The used firmwares are:
ESP8266: "MicroPython v1.9.4-170-g564abb0 on 2018-06-18" and "MicroPython v1.9.4-8-ga9a3caad0 on 2018-05-11"
ESP32: "MicroPython v1.9.4-183-g6d8816f-dirty on 2018-06-19" (build yesterday)

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Joined: Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:43 pm

Re: ESP32 - unable to receive multicast if ESP32 is access point

Post by Eider » Thu Jul 04, 2019 8:00 pm

Saludos Amigo

Necesito de tu ayuda :roll:
Será que podrías facilitarme el código que utilizaste para comunicar los dispositivos entre si es que llevo mucho tiempo buscando e intentando de muchas formas y no he podido.

Te agradecería que me pudieras ayudar :)

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