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Wifi issues with an ESP32 DevKitC

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:31 am
by heikki.hietala

I have a system that uses HC-SR04s to monitor the queue of the lunch room at our school. It's really straightforward and works rather nicely, writing the data to a web server every minute or so. I see the normal operation as this:

Code: Select all

[0;32mI (87533883) wifi: event 4[0m
[0;32mI (87534973) event: ip:, mask:, gw:[0m
[0;32mI (87534973) wifi: GOT_IP[0m
I (87536163) wifi: n:7 0, o:7 2, ap:255 255, sta:7 0, prof:1
I (87537193) wifi: n:7 2, o:7 0, ap:255 255, sta:7 2, prof:1
S1:34 S2:35 S3:56
H1: 9 H2: 9 H3: 0
S1:34 S2:34 S3:56
H1: 9 H2: 9 H3: 0
S1:34 S2:35 S3:56
H1: 9 H2: 9 H3: 0
S1:34 S2:34 S3:56
H1: 9 H2: 9 H3: 0
S1:34 S2:35 S3:56
H1: 9 H2: 9 H3: 0
H1 and S1 are sensor 1 hits and heights, respectively, etc.

But as I watch the operation, stuff like this in the monitor:

Code: Select all

I (87122163) wifi: n:7 2, o:7 0, ap:255 255, sta:7 2, prof:1
The system also freezes intermittently, and after that, or after killing the execution myself, I get this same string appearing even if I don't get any measurement data:

Code: Select all

>>> I (87394143) wifi: n:7 0, o:7 2, ap:255 255, sta:7 0, prof:1
I (87395163) wifi: n:7 2, o:7 0, ap:255 255, sta:7 2, prof:1
So, what is it that I am seeing, and can someone help me debug what the issue is with the WLAN? I have a mobile WLAN access point with a SIM card, and it's really solid.

Many thanks!