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mboot startup questions

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:58 pm
by ethan.oneill
I have a question regarding mboot. So I see that the PYBD-SF2 has two QSPI's and too program the one to allow both read and write you have to startup with mboot in the flash. I was wondering how you do this on bootup of the board without having to pull the BOOT0 pin high. I have tried doing it by specifying USE_MBOOT=1 in the mpconfigboard.h file. What would the steps be to to start youre board up with mboot in the first sector of flash, The filesystem in external flash and rest of the firmware in sector 2 of flash. I am wanting to upload the firmware.elf file to my custom board and then just boot it up knowning that mboot has been initialized.

Thanks in advance for any help given