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micropython.schedule inside class

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:35 pm
by Drako
Hi everyone,

catching an CAN bus interrupt in a class and calling a scheduled function leads to a MemoryError.

I create a class which inherits from pyb.CAN. I initialize Can, and attach a callback function to it. In the callback function I schedule antoher function uising micropython.schedule(). When the schedule function is part of the class, I get an MemoryError. When it is not part of the class, it works:

Code: Select all

class CanInterface(CAN):
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __init__(self, itf):
        self.can = CAN(itf)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def close_me(self):
        can = self.can
        can.rxcallback(0, None)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def init_can_bus(self):
        can = self.can
        can.init(mode=CAN.NORMAL, extframe=False, prescaler=27, sjw=1, bs1=13, bs2=2)        
        can.setfilter(bank=0, mode=CAN.MASK16, fifo=0, params=(0x0600, 0xFF80, 0x0580, 0xFF80))        
        can.rxcallback(0, self.cb)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def cb(self, bus, reason):        
        #micropython.schedule(test_func, bus)				# works 
        micropython.schedule(self.test_func, bus)		                # raises MemoryError: memory allocation faild, heap is locked
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def test_func(self, bus):
        print ("hello")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_func(bus):
    print ("hello")
When i put a heap.unlock() heap.lock() around the scheduled function, it works, but I am a little scared it might lead to some other problems:

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 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def cb(self, bus, reason):        
        micropython.schedule(self.test_func, bus)				# works

I am not sure why this happens. I am doing something wrong? And do you guys think, using the heap.unlock -> lock workaround leads to any trouble?
Thanks in advance.

Re: micropython.schedule inside class

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 6:45 pm
by pythoncoder
I think you've found a bug here. I created a simple test case using a timer and schedule() fails when passed a bound method. I've raised an issue #3428.

Re: micropython.schedule inside class

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 7:44 pm
by dhylands
I think that creating the bound method requires allocating memory.

Create the bound method in your constructor (and perhaps store it in a member of the class) and pass that inside the ISR to move the memory allocation outside the ISR.

Re: micropython.schedule inside class

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 7:04 am
by Drako

Dave you are right again !

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class CanInterface(CAN):
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __init__(self, itf):
        self.can = CAN(itf)
        self.bound_method = self.test_func				# create method in constructor

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def test_func(self, bus):
        print ("hello")
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def close_me(self):
        can = self.can
        can.rxcallback(0, None)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def init_can_bus(self):
        can = self.can

        can.init(mode=CAN.NORMAL, extframe=False, prescaler=27, sjw=1, bs1=13, bs2=2)
        can.setfilter(bank=0, mode=CAN.MASK16, fifo=0, params=(0x0600, 0xFF80, 0x0580, 0xFF80))
        can.rxcallback(0, self.cb)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    def cb(self, bus, reason):
        micropython.schedule(self.bound_method, bus)			# This works, because the method was created in the constructor

This works! Thanks for the fast help.

Re: micropython.schedule inside class

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:39 pm
by pythoncoder
dhylands wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2017 7:44 pm
I think that creating the bound method requires allocating memory.

Create the bound method in your constructor (and perhaps store it in a member of the class) and pass that inside the ISR to move the memory allocation outside the ISR.
Dave, I'm utterly flummoxed by this. Please could you explain the behaviour of this script:

Code: Select all

from micropython import schedule, alloc_emergency_exception_buf

class Foo():
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 42
        self.dummy = self.bound_method
        tim = pyb.Timer(4)              # create a timer object using timer 4
        tim.init(freq=2)                # trigger at 2Hz

    def bound_method(self, _):
        print('Bound method', self.x)

    def cb(self, t):
        schedule(self.dummy, 0)  # works
#        schedule(self.bound_method, 0)  # Fails with "heap is locked"

foo = Foo()
If the allocation takes place in the constructor, shouldn't either call work? Yet if it takes place on the call to schedule() shouldn't both fail? :? When the constructor runs it doesn't "know" how or if the ".dummy" reference is going to be used...

Re: micropython.schedule inside class

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:47 pm
by dhylands
The statement self.bound_method is what allocates the memory. Each time you do self.bound_method it will allocate a new bound method object (which is why all attempts to use self.bound_method from inside the ISR will fail).

The bound method object basically allocates memory to hold the pointer to self and the pointer to the method, so that when the bound method is called, self gets assigned properly.

By doing self.dummy = self.bound_method in the constructor, you're allocating a bound method object in the constructor. The statement self.dummy just returns the previously allocated bound method object, which doesn't require any additional allocations.

Re: micropython.schedule inside class

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 6:39 am
by pythoncoder
Got it :!: Thank you.