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hardware i2c deprecated

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:55 pm
by Grumpy_Pig_Skin
Hi, i'm having an issue while trying to set the hardware i2c bus.

the code I enter is:

import machine
i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(22), sda = machine.Pin(21))

the error message I get back is:

Warning: I2C(-1, ...) is deprecated, use SoftI2C(...) instead

is there something I'm missing while setting the i2c?

thanks in advance

Re: hardware i2c deprecated

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:51 pm
by jimmo
Grumpy_Pig_Skin wrote:
Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:55 pm
is there something I'm missing while setting the i2c?
Previously we use to have a single I2C class, and depending on which ID was specified, it was either Software (bitbanging) or Hardware. In this case, with no ID specified, it's defaulting to -1 (i.e. software I2C). This led to some confusing behavior due to port-specific differences (i.e. some ports allow you to specify pins for hardware I2C, whereas others require using the pre-defined pins).

As of version 1.14, the idea is that you can explicitly use machine.I2C for hardware I2C, and machine.SoftI2C if you want software I2C, but the old way is provided for compatibility.

Re: hardware i2c deprecated

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:44 am
by Grumpy_Pig_Skin
ahh okay.
So if i specify a channel e.g:
i2c = machine.I2C(1, scl = machine.Pin(22), sda = machine.Pin(21), freq = 400000) then hopefully i should have some luck with that?

rather than st using 'deafault' settings?

Re: hardware i2c deprecated

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:27 pm
by pythoncoder
That should work so long as you have pullup resistors: the ESP32 should be able to use any pins. If you have trouble try the default pins.

Code: Select all

i2c = machine.I2C(1, scl = machine.Pin(25), sda = machine.Pin(26), freq = 400000)

Re: hardware i2c deprecated

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:38 pm
by Wimphot
I am using a WEMOS LOLIN32 Lite. for the project in RNT’s MicroPython_Programming_with_ESP32_and_ESP8266_V1_2 book
BME280 sending readings using IFTTT.
Although the message came through OK I got the “Warning: I2C(-1, ...) is deprecated, use SoftI2C(...) instead” message.
Thinking I might learn something here (I am very new to MicroPython)
I tried the line: i2c = machine.I2C(1,scl=machine.Pin(19), sda=machine.Pin(23), freq=10000)
but then got “NameError: name ‘machine’ isn’t defined’
I think this is because I am only importing Pin and I2C
I am not sure what else I should import?
Perhaps I could simply import machine but it is my understanding that doing so clutters up the code on the ESP32 with data that isn’t used.
(not necessarily an issue with what I am doing but not good practice?
Thanks in advance

Re: hardware i2c deprecated

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:43 am
by Roberthh
You can use either:

Code: Select all

import machine
i2c = machine.I2C(1,scl=machine.Pin(19), sda=machine.Pin(23), freq=10000)

Code: Select all

from machine import Pin, I2C
i2c = I2C(1,scl=Pin(19), sda=Pin(23), freq=10000)
That's the way, Python works. Besides that, importing machine is not that memory consuming. So it's more a matter of style which way you prefer. If you have many modules with similar classes and methods, than it is more clear to use the first form.

Re: hardware i2c deprecated

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 9:12 pm
by Wimphot
Thank you for the advice.

Re: hardware i2c deprecated

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 3:01 pm
by jbar
Roberthh wrote:
Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:43 am
You can use either:

Code: Select all

import machine
i2c = machine.I2C(1,scl=machine.Pin(19), sda=machine.Pin(23), freq=10000)

Code: Select all

from machine import Pin, I2C
i2c = I2C(1,scl=Pin(19), sda=Pin(23), freq=10000)
That's the way, Python works. Besides that, importing machine is not that memory consuming. So it's more a matter of style which way you prefer. If you have many modules with similar classes and methods, than it is more clear to use the first form.
I'm using a SHT30 driver written by Roberto Sanchez (rsc1975 on github). His code currently returns the same:
Warning: I2C(-1, ...) is deprecated, use SoftI2C(...) instead
I tried adding a 1 to the I2C statement on line 40 of the code, but it dosen't work. What am I doing wrong? I'm trying to ammend his driver so it dosen't throw the Warning.

Code: Select all

from machine import I2C, Pin
import time

__version__ = '0.2.1'
__author__ = 'Roberto Sánchez'
__license__ = "Apache License 2.0."

# I2C address B 0x45 ADDR (pin 2) connected to VDD

class SHT30():
    SHT30 sensor driver in pure python based on I2C bus
    POLYNOMIAL = 0x131  # P(x) = x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1 = 100110001

    ALERT_PENDING_MASK = 0x8000 # 15
    HEATER_MASK = 0x2000        # 13
    RH_ALERT_MASK = 0x0800		# 11
    T_ALERT_MASK = 0x0400		# 10
    RESET_MASK = 0x0010	        # 4
    CMD_STATUS_MASK = 0x0002	# 1
    WRITE_STATUS_MASK = 0x0001	# 0

    # MSB = 0x2C LSB = 0x06 Repeatability = High, Clock stretching = enabled
    MEASURE_CMD = b'\x2C\x10'
    STATUS_CMD = b'\xF3\x2D'
    RESET_CMD = b'\x30\xA2'
    CLEAR_STATUS_CMD = b'\x30\x41'
    ENABLE_HEATER_CMD = b'\x30\x6D'
    DISABLE_HEATER_CMD = b'\x30\x66'

    def __init__(self, scl_pin=22, sda_pin=21, delta_temp = 0, delta_hum = 0, i2c_address=DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(scl_pin), sda=Pin(sda_pin))
        self.i2c_addr = i2c_address
        self.set_delta(delta_temp, delta_hum)
    def init(self, scl_pin=22, sda_pin=21):
        Init the I2C bus using the new pin values
        self.i2c.init(scl=Pin(scl_pin), sda=Pin(sda_pin))
    def is_present(self):
        Return true if the sensor is correctly conneced, False otherwise
        return self.i2c_addr in self.i2c.scan()
    def set_delta(self, delta_temp = 0, delta_hum = 0):
        Apply a delta value on the future measurements of temperature and/or humidity
        The units are Celsius for temperature and percent for humidity (can be negative values)
        self.delta_temp = delta_temp
        self.delta_hum = delta_hum
    def _check_crc(self, data):
        # calculates 8-Bit checksum with given polynomial
        crc = 0xFF
        for b in data[:-1]:
            crc ^= b;
            for _ in range(8, 0, -1):
                if crc & 0x80:
                    crc = (crc << 1) ^ SHT30.POLYNOMIAL;
                    crc <<= 1
        crc_to_check = data[-1]
        return crc_to_check == crc
    def send_cmd(self, cmd_request, response_size=6, read_delay_ms=100):
        Send a command to the sensor and read (optionally) the response
        The responsed data is validated by CRC
            self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, cmd_request); 
            if not response_size:
            data = self.i2c.readfrom(self.i2c_addr, response_size) 
            for i in range(response_size//3):
                if not self._check_crc(data[i*3:(i+1)*3]): # pos 2 and 5 are CRC
                    raise SHT30Error(SHT30Error.CRC_ERROR)
            if data == bytearray(response_size):
                raise SHT30Error(SHT30Error.DATA_ERROR)
            return data
        except OSError as ex:
            if 'I2C' in ex.args[0]:
                raise SHT30Error(SHT30Error.BUS_ERROR)
            raise ex

    def clear_status(self):
        Clear the status register
        return self.send_cmd(SHT30.CLEAR_STATUS_CMD, None); 

    def reset(self):
        Send a soft-reset to the sensor
        return self.send_cmd(SHT30.RESET_CMD, None); 

    def status(self, raw=False):
        Get the sensor status register. 
        It returns a int value or the bytearray(3) if raw==True
        data = self.send_cmd(SHT30.STATUS_CMD, 3, read_delay_ms=20); 

        if raw:
            return data

        status_register = data[0] << 8 | data[1]
        return status_register
    def measure(self, raw=False):
        If raw==True returns a bytearrya(6) with sensor direct measurement otherwise
        It gets the temperature (T) and humidity (RH) measurement and return them.
        The units are Celsius and percent
        data = self.send_cmd(SHT30.MEASURE_CMD, 6); 

        if raw:
            return data

        t_celsius = (((data[0] << 8 |  data[1]) * 175) / 0xFFFF) - 45 + self.delta_temp;
        rh = (((data[3] << 8 | data[4]) * 100.0) / 0xFFFF) + self.delta_hum;
        return t_celsius, rh

    def measure_int(self, raw=False):
        Get the temperature (T) and humidity (RH) measurement using integers.
        If raw==True returns a bytearrya(6) with sensor direct measurement otherwise
        It returns a tuple with 4 values: T integer, T decimal, H integer, H decimal
        For instance to return T=24.0512 and RH= 34.662 This method will return
        (24, 5, 34, 66) Only 2 decimal digits are returned, .05 becomes 5
        Delta values are not applied in this method
        The units are Celsius and percent.
        data = self.send_cmd(SHT30.MEASURE_CMD, 6); 
        if raw: 
            return data
        aux = (data[0] << 8 | data[1]) * 175
        t_int = (aux // 0xffff) - 45;
        t_dec = (aux % 0xffff * 100) // 0xffff
        aux = (data[3] << 8 | data[4]) * 100
        h_int = aux // 0xffff
        h_dec = (aux % 0xffff * 100) // 0xffff
        return t_int, t_dec, h_int, h_dec

class SHT30Error(Exception):
    Custom exception for errors on sensor management
    BUS_ERROR = 0x01 
    DATA_ERROR = 0x02
    CRC_ERROR = 0x03

    def __init__(self, error_code=None):
        self.error_code = error_code
    def get_message(self):
        if self.error_code == SHT30Error.BUS_ERROR:
            return "Bus error"
        elif self.error_code == SHT30Error.DATA_ERROR:
            return "Data error"
        elif self.error_code == SHT30Error.CRC_ERROR:
            return "CRC error"
            return "Unknown error"

Re: hardware i2c deprecated

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 3:26 pm
by Roberthh
You did not tell which board you use. Is it an ESP32? Or RPi Pico? And you could show the error message which you get.

Re: hardware i2c deprecated

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 8:13 am
by pythoncoder
See @jimmo's post above. The machine module has changed. Hardware I2C is still specified in the same way, but soft I2C used to be specified with a bus number of -1. Now this produces the deprecation warning. The correct way is to write

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i2c = machine.SoftI2C(scl=scl_pin, sda=sda_pin)
Please see the docs.