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dynamically set up pin classes

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:27 pm
by mbell
Hi Gang,

I would like my PICOs pins to be somewhat dynamically initialised when the PICO loads using some sort of file.

To now my idea is to have a config.txt file with something like the following.

in the example below the CSV variables represent a class and a setup:

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GP5=ToggleSwitch,"TABLE SWITCH", 5, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP
GP6=ToggleSwitch,"DESK SWITCH", 6, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP

using GP5 line as an example :

GP5 is the pin I am trying to set up.
ToggleSwitch is a class
"TABLE SWITCH" is a ToggleSwitch constructor
 5 is a ToggleSwitch constructor
Pin.OUT is a ToggleSwitch constructor
Pin.PULL_UP is a ToggleSwitch constructor
is there a way i can do this ?

Re: dynamically set up pin classes

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:05 pm
by balance
Hi mbell,

this answer will only be a part of your solution, but may help you.

I have dynamical declared my output pins with a class.

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from machine import Pin, Timer
import time

my_OUT = []	# this will contain all dynamic declared output objects
my_output_pins = [0, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9]	# these are my Pi Pico pins i connected a led to

class my_output():	#here starts the class for all output pins
	def __init__(self, id, pin): # this function will create a output object = id	#not mandatory needed but can be helpful later in more complex context
		self.out_pin = Pin(pin, Pin.OUT)	# configure the output pin as output ;-)	# the pin starts LOW
	def state(self, state):	# function to manipulate the pinstate
		if state == 0:
		if state == 1:
		if state == 2:

for idx, pin in enumerate(my_output_pins):	# for loop to create the output objects and put them in the list my_OUT to make them accessable and iterable
	my_OUT.append(my_output(idx, pin))	
while True:
	my_OUT[2].state(2)	# this accesses the third object (0, 1, 2, ... ) (which means GP06 in this case) in the objects list and goes to the state function in the class. The parameter 2 makes the output toggling every 250 ms
With this solution, you can have "unlimited" objects declared as a ouput and acces every objects state very easy.

I hope this helps you a bit.

Re: dynamically set up pin classes

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:10 am
by mbell
Thanks for that,

say i wanted to parse a file to create classes that are defined in the file

GP5=ToggleSwitch,"TABLE SWITCH", 5, 0, 1

where ToggleSwitch and LED are objects i want to create.

again maybe I am tryharding.

Re: dynamically set up pin classes

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:10 pm
by balance
Show us what you have so far. For example the code you already have.

What idea did you develop until now? I know your starting point (.csv) and your aim (dynamic pin declaration) but not the inbetween.

Than helping you is much more effective and you will learn much more.

Re: dynamically set up pin classes

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 9:32 am
by hippy
mbell wrote:
Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:10 am
say i wanted to parse a file to create classes that are defined in the file

GP5=ToggleSwitch,"TABLE SWITCH", 5, 0, 1
It seems to me you could use something like below, though it's not entirely robust -

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with open('file.txt', 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
       a = line.strip().split('=')  # a = ['GP5', 'ToggleSwitch, "TABLE SWITCH", 5, 0, 1']
       b = a[1].split(',')          # b = ['ToggleSwitch','"TABLE SWITCH"', '5', '0', '1']
       if   b[0] == 'ToggleSwitch' : ToggleSwitch(a[0], b[1:])
       elif b[0] == 'LED'          : LED(a[0], b[1:])