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recommended directory for extensions

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 7:21 pm
by cyrano1960
Hello there,

for educational purpose I am trying to extend Mikropython. As a first step I want to extend it with my own py. file and make a frozen .mpy file of it. The process is clear but I wondering if there is a recommended directory for my own extension (i. e. drivers?) Thanks a lot for your help.
Best regards,

PS. At the moment I have made a subdirectory "webby" in the drivers folder and I have placed a simple file "" there. After editing the in the ports/rp2 directory I have build the sourcecode and I am able to access my file in two ways:
1. import web_ext
In this case I can access my functions with:

2. from web_ext import *
In this case I can access all the functions directly

3. from web_ext import func1
And finally in this case I can only func1 directly

That seems logically for me, but a little different from CPython, where I can use a folder as a module name and import single files but not functions. Or am I wrong?