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What's new in Micro Python this week!

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 8:23 pm
by Turbinenreiter
Micro Python is progressing nicely and there is new stuff coming all the time. Sometimes it was stuff I was already waiting for, just to realize later that it was already done for weeks. This is way I will from now on try to look through the project once a week, collect what new features were developed and put in a little post in this thread. I hope that this will help to inform people, without putting additional stress on the developers. Let's see how it works out. As this is the first week, I will include stuff no matter when it actually happened, from next week on it will be what happened in that week. I will also focus on stuff that's directly relevant to the user, and not on behind-the-scenes refactoring, optimizing or generally stuff that I don't get.
Also, if anyone else discovers new stuff - post it! This is not meant as one man show.

Mo Jan 12 2015
  • SD cards via SPI are now supported - that means you can connect a SD card (breakout board) to the SPI bus and use it, for example if you managed to break of the SD connector on your pyboard. This is a result of the added ability to mount custom block device - which also makes it easy for everyone to write drivers for block devices in Python. ref
  • Keyword arguments for namedtuple are now possible.
  • There is a new command for converting WAV files. ref
  • @micropython support was officially integrated into Nuttx! ref
So, I hope I will get better at his over the weeks. I hope when I follow this regularly, I will get better at understanding what all those commits mean. I found reading through the commit messages as a good way to see the progress. There also is a version cahngelog available here.

Re: What's new in Micro Python this week!

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:28 pm
by polygontwist
nice, and thank You!

Re: What's new in Micro Python this week!

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:33 pm
by Damien
Good idea! Will definitely help us developers out. Note that I put up a change log at which gives info about the versioned releases.

Re: What's new in Micro Python this week!

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:21 pm
by Turbinenreiter
Another week, another randomly picked list of things I liked.

Mo Jan 19 2015
  • minimal: New port, intended to represent minimal working code - This is an effort to help people who want to run mp on whatever hardware they have by making it easier for them to port it.ref
I also decided to include some projects I found funny, just to keep you entertained.
  • the Navigation pyskin prototype is in action now and it looks awesome ref
  • tinytux built a nice datalogger, that happens to include drivers for the Adafruit HIH6130 Humidity Sensor and the Adafruit 7-segment LED HT16K33 ref
  • this guy can't afford a ball to play with, so he simulates one. on the pyboard. YouTube
Ok, short list, but keep in mind that I don't mention all the bugfixing and groundwork for new stuff. There's also some open Pull Requests, which, once closed, will make for big news here.
As always, feel free to add!

Re: What's new in Micro Python this week!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:32 pm
by Turbinenreiter
Mo Jan 26 2015
  • ability to issue compile/runtime warnings - this is awesome if your are using the micropython code decorators
  • add support for FEZ Cerb40 II board - this is pretty nice little board that now also runs micropython. probably the cheapest option. there is also a Cerbot - it's discontinued, but they re still selling off stock - and dhylands has a port to that as well
Also: ... ine-vision
OpenMV Cam is on Kickstarter right now - and it also runs Micro Python! Go get one!