sending barcode data to file

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sending barcode data to file

Post by zaya01 » Sat Sep 28, 2019 9:44 pm

Im currently working on a project where I need to send scanned barcode data to my department director. this is the code I am using:

Code: Select all

# import necessary packages
import sensor
import time
import image

# import the lcd optionally
# to use the LCD, uncomment Lines 9, 24, 33, and 100
# and comment Lines 19 and 20 
#import lcd

# reset the camera

# sensor settings

# non LCD settings
# comment the following lines if you are using the LCD
sensor.set_windowing((640, 240))

# LCD settings
# uncomment this line to use the LCD with valid resolution

# additional sensor settings

# initialize the LCD
# uncomment if you are using the LCD

# initialize the clock
clock = time.clock()

# barcode type lookup table
barcode_type = {
	image.EAN2: "EAN2",
	image.EAN5: "EAN5",
	image.EAN8: "EAN8",
	image.UPCE: "UPCE",
	image.ISBN10: "ISBN10",
	image.EAN13: "EAN13",
	image.ISBN13: "ISBN13",
	image.I25: "I25",
	image.CODE39: "CODE39",
	image.PDF417: "PDF417",
	image.CODE93: "CODE93",
	image.CODE128: "CODE128"

def barcode_name(code):
	# if the code type is in the dictionary, return the value string
	if code.type() in barcode_type.keys():
		return barcode_type[code.type()]

	# otherwise return a "not defined" string
	return "NOT DEFINED"

# loop over frames and detect + decode barcodes
while True:
	# tick the clock for our FPS counter

	# grab a frame
	img = sensor.snapshot()

	# loop over standard barcodes that are detected in the image
	for code in img.find_barcodes():
		# draw a rectangle around the barcode
		img.draw_rectangle(code.rect(), color=127)

		# print information in the IDE terminal
		print("type: {}, quality: {}, payload: {}".format(

		# draw the barcode string on the screen similar to cv2.putText
		img.draw_string(10, 10, code.payload(), color=127)

	# loop over QR codes that are detected in the image
	for code in img.find_qrcodes():
		# draw a rectangle around the barcode
		img.draw_rectangle(code.rect(), color=127)

		# print information in the IDE terminal
		print("type: QR, payload: {}".format(code.payload()))

		# draw the barcode string on the screen similar to cv2.putText
		img.draw_string(10, 10, code.payload(), color=127)

	# display the image on the LCD
	# uncomment if you are using the LCD

	# print the frames per second for debugging
	print("FPS: {}".format(clock.fps()))
How can I implement code here in such a way that sends the scanned code to a new file? Thanks in advance!

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Re: sending barcode data to file

Post by jimmo » Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:49 am


Could you clarify what you mean by "sends the scanned code to a new file". If you just want to write it to a file on the device, then you can use the standard Python file system API (open/read/write, etc).

If you need to send it over the network, then you'll need more information about what the server is that you want to send it to. MicroPython doesn't (to my knowledge) have any support for network filesystems like smb, nfs, etc, but posting over HTTP, uploading a file to an FTP server, or some other custom thing using sockets should be fairly straightforward.

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