Make realtime Discrate fournier transform from i2S mic

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Re: Make realtime Discrate fournier transform from i2S mic

Post by zaord » Mon Dec 13, 2021 10:48 pm

I have also tried this code :

Code: Select all

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import hilbert, chirp

duration = 1.0
fs = 400.0
samples = int(fs*duration)
t = np.arange(samples) / fs

signal = chirp(t, 20.0, t[-1], 100.0)
signal *= (1.0 + 0.5 * np.sin(2.0*np.pi*3.0*t) )

analytic_signal = hilbert(signal)
amplitude_envelope = np.abs(analytic_signal)
instantaneous_phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(analytic_signal))
instantaneous_frequency = (np.diff(instantaneous_phase) /
                           (2.0*np.pi) * fs)

fig = plt.figure()
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax0.plot(t, signal, label='signal')
ax0.plot(t, amplitude_envelope, label='envelope')
ax0.set_xlabel("time in seconds")
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax1.plot(t[1:], instantaneous_frequency)
ax1.set_xlabel("time in seconds")
ax1.set_ylim(0.0, 120.0)

What do you think of it ?

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Re: Make realtime Discrate fournier transform from i2S mic

Post by pythoncoder » Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:09 am

With a bandpass filter having better high frequency rejection you would remove the DC component and the ripple. There are various ways to measure the frequency. DFT may well be the answer, but it does have the drawback that the result comprises discrete frequency bins with finite size, so precision is limited. However it will perform well in the presence of harmonics.

I would want to see a plot of real data after filtering: clearly the actual waveforms won't be pure sinewaves and there will be harmonics. If you don't have an oscilloscope I would gather some real data into an array, save it to a file, transfer the file to a PC and plot it using CPython as above. Maybe also do a DFT on the PC and plot that. Then we could figure out how best to do the measurement.
Peter Hinch
Index to my micropython libraries.

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Re: Make realtime Discrate fournier transform from i2S mic

Post by zaord » Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:30 am

Good !
I will use the i2S script of mike and then grab the i2s mic into the sd card and send it here :)

Best Regards, and a lot of thanks !

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Re: Make realtime Discrate fournier transform from i2S mic

Post by zaord » Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:51 am

Here I recorded some sound from my accordions with differents 'vibrato' (beating frequency)
I don't know how to convert this on CyThon :)

I will try to convert this in array

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Re: Make realtime Discrate fournier transform from i2S mic

Post by zaord » Fri Dec 24, 2021 12:17 pm

I works a lot and developp this code.
I 've tryied différents methods for finding the enveloppe (peak method, diff method, hilbert and yours)
I have a problem on the diff method that I developped several year ago for my thesis on free reeds acoustics. This was working on matlab but here I get weird result with my python translation.


The matlab code of the diff method (consisting make a differentiate to find peaks and then make a linearization beetwen the maximas) was :

Code: Select all

if (length(x) == length(y) && length(x)>3 && length(find(diff(sign(diff(y)))==-2)) > 3)

if (nargin < 2)||(nargin > 3),
 error('Please see help for INPUT DATA.');
elseif (nargin == 2)
    interpMethod = 'linear';

% Find the extreme maxim values 
% and the corresponding indexes

extrMaxValue = y(find( diff(sign(diff(y)) )==-2 ) +1);
extrMaxIndex =   find(diff(sign(diff(y)))==-2)+1;

up = extrMaxValue;
up_x = x(extrMaxIndex);

if (length(up_x)>1 && length(x)>1 && length(up)>1 && length(find(diff(up)==0)) < floor(length(up)*0.15) )
yp0 =interp1(up_x,up,x,);
And I translate in Python with :

Code: Select all

def getEnvelopeDiff(x ,y):
# Taking the absolute value
	if (x.size == y.size and x.size>3 and np.array(np.where(np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(y)))==-2)).size > 3):
		ind_up,=np.where( np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(y)) )==-2 )
		up = y[ind_up +1 ];
		ind_up_x,=np.where (np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(y)))==-2)
		up_x = x[ind_up_x+1];
		if (up_x.size>1 and x.size>1 and up.size>1 and np.array(np.where(np.diff(up)==0)).size < np.floor(up.size*0.15) ):
			yp0 =np.interp(x,up_x,up);

		return yp
I this my mistake come to translate this matlab code in python :

Code: Select all

extrMaxValue = y(find( diff(sign(diff(y)) )==-2 ) [b]+1[/b]);
This +1, I am not shure I implemented this well in my python code :

Code: Select all

 ind_up,=np.where( np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(y)) )==-2 )
		up = y[ind_up +1 ];
This code was really precize but not here :)

The full code is here :

Code: Select all

# libraries 
import numpy as np
import scipy
import os
import scipy.stats as stats

from import wavfile
import wave, struct
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp

from pylab import *
import scipy.signal.signaltools as sigtool
import scipy.signal as signal
from scipy.fftpack import fft

# Here directory (put the name and path). Directory only with .wav files

r_dir ="D:/GoogleDrive/python/test demodulation/"

# Parameters

Fmax         = 10000 #maximum frequency for the sonogram [Hz]
step_time    = 4   #len for the time serie segment  [Seconds]->>>>>>>>> Change it to zoom in the signal time!!
w_cut        = 32   #Frequency cut for our envelope implementation [Hz]
w_cut_simple = 150   #Frecuency cut for the low-pass envelope [Hz]

#1) Function envelope with rms slide window (for the RMS-envelope implementation)

def window_rms(inputSignal, window_size):
    a2 = np.power(inputSignal,2)
    window = np.ones(window_size)/float(window_size)
    return np.sqrt(np.convolve(a2, window, 'valid'))


#2) Filter is directly implemented in Abs(signal)

#3) our implementation !

def getEnvelope(inputSignal):
# Taking the absolute value

    absoluteSignal = []
    for sample in inputSignal:
        absoluteSignal.append (abs (sample))

    # Peak detection

    intervalLength = 400 # change this number depending on your Signal frequency content and time scale
    outputSignal = []

    for baseIndex in range (0, len (absoluteSignal)):
        maximum = 0
        for lookbackIndex in range (intervalLength):
            maximum = max (absoluteSignal [baseIndex - lookbackIndex], maximum)
        outputSignal.append (maximum)

    return outputSignal

def getEnvelopeDiff(x ,y):
# Taking the absolute value
	if (x.size == y.size and x.size>3 and np.array(np.where(np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(y)))==-2)).size > 3):
		ind_up,=np.where( np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(y)) )==-2 )
		up = y[ind_up +1 ];
		ind_up_x,=np.where (np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(y)))==-2)
		up_x = x[ind_up_x+1];
		if (up_x.size>1 and x.size>1 and up.size>1 and np.array(np.where(np.diff(up)==0)).size < np.floor(up.size*0.15) ):
			yp0 =np.interp(x,up_x,up);

		return yp

#Loop over sound files in directory

for root, sub, files in os.walk(r_dir):
    files = sorted(files)
    for f in files:       
        if f.endswith(".wav"):
            w=, f))
            dir = os.path.dirname(base)
            if not os.path.isdir(base):

            x     = w[1]
            x_size= x.size
            tt    = w[1]

            v1    = np.arange(float (x_size))# not stereo

            c     = np.c_[v1,x]

            cc=c.T #transpose

            x = cc[0]
            x1= cc[1]
            x2= cc[1]#2


        #Low Pass Frequency for Filter definition (envelope case 2)

            W2       = float(w_cut_simple)/w[0] #filter parameter Cut frequency over the sample frequency
            (b2, a2) = signal.butter(1, W2, btype='lowpass')        

            #Filter definition for our envelope (3) implementation

            W1       = float(w_cut)/w[0] #filter parameter Cut frequency over the sample frequency
            (b, a)   = signal.butter(4, W1, btype='lowpass')

            p        = np.arange(x_size)*float(1)/w[0]        

            stop      = x_size
            step      = int(step_time*w[0]) # Time interval * sample rate
            interval= np.arange(0, x_size,step)


            ##chop time serie##
            for delta_t in interval:
                x2_part                   = x2[delta_t:delta_t+step]   
                time_part                 = time1[delta_t:delta_t+step]
                analytic_signal = signal.hilbert(x2_part)
                hilbert_env = signal.filtfilt(b, a, np.abs(analytic_signal))
                aver_vs                   = getEnvelope(x2_part)
                aver_vs2                   = getEnvelopeDiff(time_part,x2_part)
                filtered_aver_vs          = signal.filtfilt(b, a, aver_vs)
                filtered_aver_vs2          = signal.filtfilt(b, a, aver_vs2)
                #envelope low pass
                filtered_aver_simple      = signal.filtfilt(b, a, np.abs(x2_part))
                filtered_aver_vs_ped_simp = filtered_aver_simple        

                x1_part_rms               = window_rms(x2,4048)##envolvente Rms (second parameter is windows size)
                time_rms                  = np.arange(len(x1_part_rms))*float(1)/w[0]
                #Figure definition
                pp.title('Sound Signal')

                #Uncoment what envelope you whant to plot


                label_S,= pp.plot(x*float(1)/w[0],x1/max(x1), color='c',label='Time Signal',linewidth=0.05)

                # peak envelope #  
                envelope_1,= pp.plot(time_part,filtered_aver_vs/max(filtered_aver_vs), color='r',label='Final Peak aproach  envelope',linewidth=0.3)
                # diff envelope # 
                envelope_2,= pp.plot(time_part,filtered_aver_vs2/max(filtered_aver_vs2), color='b',label='Diff enveloppe method',linewidth=0.3)
                # Low pass filter envelope #
                envelope_3,= pp.plot(time_part,filtered_aver_vs_ped_simp/max(filtered_aver_vs_ped_simp), linestyle='--',color='m',label='Low-pass Filter envelope',linewidth=0.3)
                # Hilbert enveloppe #
                envelope_4,= pp.plot(time_part,hilbert_env/max(hilbert_env), linestyle='-.',color='g',label='Hilbert Enveloppe',linewidth=0.3)

                # Rms envelope #
                envelope_5,= pp.plot(time_rms+500/w[0],x1_part_rms/max(x1_part_rms), linestyle='-',color='k',label='RMS aproach envelope',linewidth=0.3)

                pp.ylabel('Amplitude [Arbitrary units]')        
                pp.xticks(np.arange(delta_t*float(1)/w[0],(delta_t+step)*float(1)/w[0]+0.001,0.1),fontsize = 9)
                #pp.yticks(np.arange(-15000,15000+5000,5000),fontsize = 12)
                pp.tick_params( axis='x', labelbottom='off')
                pp.tick_params( axis='y', labelleft='off')
                pp.legend([label_S,envelope_1,envelope_2,envelope_3,envelope_4,envelope_5],['Time Signal','Final Peak aproach  envelope','Diff enveloppe method','Low pass filter enveloppe','Hilbert','Rms'],fontsize= 'x-small',loc=4)
                #pp.legend([label_S,envelope_1],['Time Signal','Final Peak aproach  envelope'],fontsize= 'x-small',loc=4)

                figname = "%s.png" %(str(base)+'_signal_zoom_'+str(delta_t*float(1)/w[0]))    

            #save in plot file txt with data if necesary

            #f_out     = open('plots/%s.txt' %(str(base)+'_'+str(delta_t*float(1)/float(w[0]))), 'w')                
            #xxx       = np.c_[time_part,x2_part,filtered_aver,filtered_aver_vs]
            #np.savetxt(f_out,xxx,fmt='%f %f %f %f',delimiter='\t',header="time   #sound   #sound-evelope   #vS-envelope") 
            print ('.---All rigth!!!----.')

I don't know which code is easyly implemented on micropython for realtime apllication (I can use a powerfull Stm32H7)

and all the plots, sounds and numpy arrays (.txt) are in this folder :

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Re: Make realtime Discrate fournier transform from i2S mic

Post by zaord » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:40 pm

pythoncoder wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:09 am
With a bandpass filter having better high frequency rejection you would remove the DC component and the ripple. There are various ways to measure the frequency. DFT may well be the answer, but it does have the drawback that the result comprises discrete frequency bins with finite size, so precision is limited. However it will perform well in the presence of harmonics.

I would want to see a plot of real data after filtering: clearly the actual waveforms won't be pure sinewaves and there will be harmonics. If you don't have an oscilloscope I would gather some real data into an array, save it to a file, transfer the file to a PC and plot it using CPython as above. Maybe also do a DFT on the PC and plot that. Then we could figure out how best to do the measurement.
I don't know if you had time to go through the files I post. I used differents methods to find enveloppe.
What is the best to implement on pyboard do you think ?

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