Scons build system

C programming, build, interpreter/VM.
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Scons build system

Post by garlicbread » Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:36 pm

I just thought to ask is there any interest in using Scons to build micropython instead of make?
I've been working on porting across the make files to scons

so far I've managed to get the minimal port to build under windows (without msys2) and I'm currently trying to get stm32 working next
followed by esp32
although I suspect the esp8266 will be limited to linux due to it's toolchain

There were a couple of different reasons I wanted to do this

* Allows for builds under windows
* A bit more modular in terms of seperating out the build scripts
* has all the api's of python available within the build scripts
* the build can be debugged / single stepped / breakpointed within Visual Studio code (the above fork includes some files for this)
* may allow for easier addition of c libs to be compiled in such as esp32 audio or lcd with dma

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