help function for bm180

RP2040 based microcontroller boards running MicroPython.
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help function for bm180

Post by iceelon » Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:38 am

I've been a week, specifications in hand... and I can't see the error... let's see if someone can see it... I wanted to experiment but I got lost... a little help????

Code: Select all

from machine import SoftI2C
import time

# Get I2C bus
i2c = i2c = machine.I2C(0, scl=machine.Pin(17), sda=machine.Pin(16),freq=400000)

# BMP180 address, 0x77(119)
# Read data back from 0xAA(170), 22 bytes
data = i2c.readfrom_mem(0x77, 0xAA, 22)

# Convert the data
AC1 = data[0] * 256 + data[1]
if AC1 > 32767 :
	AC1 -= 65535
AC2 = data[2] * 256 + data[3]
if AC2 > 32767 :
	AC2 -= 65535
AC3 = data[4] * 256 + data[5]
if AC3 > 32767 :
	AC3 -= 65535
AC4 = data[6] * 256 + data[7]
AC5 = data[8] * 256 + data[9]
AC6 = data[10] * 256 + data[11]
B1 = data[12] * 256 + data[13]
if B1 > 32767 :
	B1 -= 65535
B2 = data[14] * 256 + data[15]
if B2 > 32767 :
	B2 -= 65535
MB = data[16] * 256 + data[17]
if MB > 32767 :
	MB -= 65535
MC = data[18] * 256 + data[19]
if MC > 32767 :
	MC -= 65535
MD = data[20] * 256 + data[21]
if MD > 32767 :
	MD -= 65535


# BMP180 address, 0x77(119)
# Select measurement control register, 0xF4(244)
#		0x2E(46)	Enable temperature measurement
i2c.writeto_mem(0x77, 0xF4,bytearray(0x2E))


# BMP180 address, 0x77(119)
# Read data back from 0xF6(246), 2 bytes
# temp MSB, temp LSB
data = i2c.readfrom_mem(0x77, 0xF6,2)

# Convert the data
temp = data[0] * 256 + data[1]

# BMP180 address, 0x77(119)
# Select measurement control register, 0xF4(244)
#		0x74(116)	Enable pressure measurement, OSS = 1
i2c.writeto_mem(0x77, 0xF4,bytearray(0x74))


# BMP180 address, 0x77(119)
# Read data back from 0xF6(246), 3 bytes
# pres MSB1, pres MSB, pres LSB
data = i2c.readfrom_mem(0x77, 0xF6, 3)

# Convert the data
pres = ((data[0] * 65536) + (data[1] * 256) + data[2]) / 128

# Callibration for Temperature
X1 = (temp - AC6) * AC5 / 32768.0
X2 = (MC * 2048.0) / (X1 + MD)
B5 = X1 + X2
cTemp = ((B5 + 8.0) / 16.0) / 10.0
fTemp = cTemp * 1.8 + 32

# Calibration for Pressure
B6 = B5 - 4000
X1 = (B2 * (B6 * B6 / 4096.0)) / 2048.0
X2 = AC2 * B6 / 2048.0
X3 = X1 + X2
B3 = (((AC1 * 4 + X3) * 2) + 2) / 4.0
X1 = AC3 * B6 / 8192.0
X2 = (B1 * (B6 * B6 / 2048.0)) / 65536.0
X3 = ((X1 + X2) + 2) / 4.0
B4 = AC4 * (X3 + 32768) / 32768.0
B7 = ((pres - B3) * (25000.0))
pressure = 0.0
if B7 < int(2147483648) :
	pressure = (B7 * 2) / B4
else :
	pressure = (B7 / B4) * 2
X1 = (pressure / 256.0) * (pressure / 256.0)
X1 = (X1 * 3038.0) / 65536.0
X2 = ((-7357) * pressure) / 65536.0
pressure = (pressure + (X1 + X2 + 3791) / 16.0) / 100

# Calculate Altitude
altitude = 44330 * (1 - ((pressure / 1013.25) ** 0.1903))

# Output data to screen
print ("Altitude : %.2f m" % altitude)
print ("Pressure : %.2f hPa " %pressure)
print ("Temperature in Celsius : %.2f C" %cTemp)
print ("Temperature in Fahrenheit : %.2f F" %fTemp)

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Re: help function for bm180

Post by scruss » Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:51 pm

what are you trying to do?
  1. learn about configuring sensors and developing support modules, or
  2. get results out of those sensors?
If the latter, there are a couple of modules on Awesome MicroPython that might help. This one looks the most current: octaprog7/BMP180: MicroPython module for BMP180 pressure&temperature sensor.

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Re: help function for bm180

Post by iceelon » Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:50 am

point one

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Re: help function for bm180

Post by Roberthh » Thu Sep 22, 2022 12:28 pm

You can as well use one of the existing driver to learn from. Another driver:

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